After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 743 You have to help me

Chapter 743 You have to help me
"I don't know what to do either!"

Ou Ruting's voice was a little low!
Originally thought that she was really pregnant, the pregnancy test report board was right there, and Han Jianfeng would be able to compromise with her.

To think he didn't compromise, and even gave her a huge problem!

Paternity Testing!

How to do this?
She absolutely cannot do a paternity test!

"Silly girl, you really are, you should have kept the evidence when the incident happened, and you wouldn't be so quibbling like Han Jianfeng is now. And I see him like that, even if the paternity test is done by then, he will If he can find a new reason, I think he doesn't want to marry you at all."

Yi Fei didn't know the reason of the incident, she just thought that Ou Ruting was really bullied, she was helpless, angry, and distressed!

"Then what should I do, Mom, I'm your biological daughter, you have to help me." Hearing what Yi Fei said, Ou Ruting panicked.

Yi Fei pondered for a while, and then asked again: "Hey, Ru Ting, do you know where Han Jianfeng's son's mother works, or where she lives, I guess Han Jianfeng has been insisting, yes It has something to do with her, why don't we go find that woman and block Han Jianfeng's way, I see if Han Jianfeng will marry you obediently."

Ou Ruting was a little surprised: "Go to Hu Qianya? Is it okay?"

But Yi Fei seems to be very sure: "Oh, you have to trust your mother, I'm a person who has experienced more salt than you have eaten. No woman will like a man who is always in a hurry. If you let that woman know that you are pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child, she will naturally refuse to give Han Jianfeng a chance. Maybe she won't help the Han family in the future. This will also solve your father's heartache, which is like killing two birds with one stone. "

Hearing what Yi Fei said, Ou Ruting seemed to be a little bit moved, she pondered for a while before saying: "I know where she is."

Ou Ruting and Yi Fei really went to find Hu Xianya!

The three met in the coffee shop downstairs of Hu Xianya's company!
Of course, Hu Qianya didn't think how surprised Ou Ruting came to find her, but she didn't expect that Ou Ruting would bring her mother here. Did she want her mother to negotiate with her?
It's really funny!
Yi Fei had never met Hu Xianya before, and thought that Hu Xianya just had some money, but when she saw Hu Xianya slowly walking towards her, she was completely stunned!
Yi Fei has also seen many beauties of all kinds, but she has to admit that Hu Xianya is really beautiful, and she is charming!
Even though Hu Xianya couldn't dress herself up well, Yi Fei couldn't help but sigh in her heart with that face and the innate temperament on her body!
Finally, I know why Han Jianfeng likes Hu Xianya!
In front of Hu Xianya, Ou Ruting is simply incomparable!
Although there was such an idea in my heart, it passed by in a flash and didn't stay too long!
After all, Ou Ruting is Yi Fei's own daughter, no matter how good Hu Qianya is, a daughter is still a daughter, that is naturally the best.

After Hu Xianya sat down, a waiter immediately brought over a cup of iced Americano: "Mr. Hu, your coffee."

This coffee shop originally belonged to Hu Xianya's company, and the waiter naturally knew the taste of Hu Xianya's usual drink.

(End of this chapter)

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