Chapter 746

Ou Ruting was also really annoyed by Hu Xianya. When she stood up, she patted the table vigorously, and her voice raised a lot unconsciously.

Although the coffee shop is in the company and it is time for work, there are some people in it. Naturally, they heard the movement here, and they all turned their heads to look over.

Yi Fei also pretended to pull Ou Ruting: "Okay, Ru Ting, sit down first, this is their company after all, although everyone doesn't know you, they only know their President Hu, Hu Xianya is the one who is ashamed But no matter what, it's inappropriate for a girl to act like this."

Yi Fei's off-screen voice is actually telling Hu Xianya that this is her company, and everyone only knows her. As for Ou Ruting, she is just a passerby. Even if she loses face here at the moment, once she goes out, everyone will still I don't know anymore!
But Hu Qianya is different. She is the president of the company. If everyone knows about her and Han Jianfeng's affairs, it depends on where she will put her face!
Ou Ruting also added fuel to the side: "If she had this self-consciousness, things wouldn't have turned out like this. Does seducing someone else's man make you feel very fulfilled? Let me tell you, Hu Xianya, I'm now I'm pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child, I'm going to marry him sooner or later, if you want to lose face, stay away from him."

Ou Ruting's voice still didn't drop, but she did it on purpose!

Negotiating alone can't beat her, that's fine, let's see who cares more about his own face!

Anyway, in order to marry Han Jianfeng, she is going all out!
"Well, remember to send me an invitation."

Seeing Ou Ruting's clown-like appearance, Hu Xianya didn't want to continue talking to them. She took a sip of coffee, wiped her mouth gracefully, then got up, and smiled at her faintly. One sound.

"However, I think this possibility should be almost zero."

After Hu Xianya finished speaking, she turned around and walked out.

"Hu Xianya."

Ou Ruting was about to be pissed off by Hu Xianya's smug look. She was so angry that she patted the table desperately, but she didn't expect that the table turned over directly, maybe it was because of too much force. Then the coffee on the table spilled Ou Ruting and Yi Fei all over their bodies!

Yi Fei and Ou Ruting have probably never encountered such a moment of embarrassment, covered in coffee, and the waiter's face is very apologetic, but there is a smile in his eyes that cannot be concealed.

Feeling so ashamed, she pulled Ou Ruting and hid her face and left!
Although Hu Xianya has always been indifferent on the surface, as if she doesn't care about Ou Ruting and Yi Fei's words at all, but she still feels a little uncomfortable in her heart!

So when I went to the company, I called Han Jianfeng!
Han Jianfeng was surprised when he received the call, but before he could say a word, he heard Hu Xianya's very unfriendly voice: "Han Jianfeng, can I trouble you to take care of your mess. "

Han Jianfeng was still confused: "What's the matter, what happened?"

Hu Xianya listened to his cautious voice, and finally calmed down a bit: "What else can I do, Ou Ruting brought her mother to find me, what do you think Ou Ruting came to me for? It's not you caused some trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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