After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 747 You Are My Wife

Chapter 747 You Are My Wife
Han Jianfeng frowned: "Ou Ruting went to look for you?"

To be honest, Han Jianfeng was a little surprised!
He didn't expect that Ou Ruting was going too far now, she couldn't find him, and even went to find Hu Xianya!

"Otherwise, you said that you are a big man, why can't you even handle a woman?"

Hu Xianya rolled her eyes angrily!
It was true in the past, and at that time, Ou Ruting was always allowed to bully her!
Obviously she is his wife, okay?

Even if they don't like her, they are still a family anyway, so shouldn't they favor her outside no matter what?

But every time he let Ou Ruting bully her to the point of crying!
Thinking about myself at that time, I was really stupid!

Knowing that Han Jianfeng couldn't possibly like her, he still tried his best to please him.

She even thought about having a baby for him, but her head was really caught by the door!
Hu Xianya's remark really hit Han Jianfeng in pain, only to hear him laugh helplessly: "You are really right, I can't even chase my wife back, really Useless."

Hu Xianya didn't expect him to say such a sentence, she was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously refuted back: "Who is your wife, you are shameless." "

"You are my son's mother, why are you not my wife? We still have a marriage certificate." Han Jianfeng responded quickly.

Speaking of the marriage certificate, Hu Xianya really forgot, but after thinking about it, she remembered something again.

"Your marriage certificate is with Wang Xuan'er, okay? I'm not Wang Xuan'er."

"But wasn't Wang Xuan'er at that time the same as you?" Han Jianfeng seemed a little helpless, but also a little hopeful.

"I said can you stop talking about the past? Are you trying to make me unhappy?"

Thinking of those things in the past, Hu Qianya felt as if she had been stabbed in the bottom of her heart, and she couldn't breathe smoothly due to the pain.

When she came back, she just wanted to live a happy life. Back then, Grandma asked her if she wanted to erase all her previous memories, but she refused!
In fact, she didn't understand why she refused!
Without the memory, wouldn't that pain be gone?
But she was afraid that he would not remember Han Jianfeng, and then fell in love with him again, fell in love with him!
Loving someone is really painful!

But these painful memories are still there, so will she really not like Han Jianfeng?
In fact, if she was asked to give an answer, she didn't even know it herself!
"Well, okay, I won't mention it, do you have time tonight, I want to see Zai Zai."

Han Jianfeng also knew enough was enough, but he would extend the topic by himself, but when he asked, he was still a little apprehensive, for fear that Hu Xianya would refuse without hesitation.

Hu Xianya hesitated for a moment, and this is the answer: "If you have time, you have already booked a place, let me know."

Saying that, without giving Han Jianfeng a chance to speak, he just hung up the phone!

Hu Xianya, who just hung up the phone, looked at the phone in her hand, and was stunned for a full minute, then she showed a helpless smile!

There are some unforgettable likes, some deep-seated love, how can it be possible to just give up and give up!
What do you think you look like now?

What is she looking forward to?

Or maybe she was looking forward to what kind of life Han Jianfeng would give her!

(End of this chapter)

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