Chapter 749
Hu Xianya's face was full of black lines, but she still responded: "That's fine, you put it here, I'll melt it myself later."

Seeing that Hu Xianya did not refuse in annoyance, Hu Yanqian knew that there must be something interesting, so he said with a smile: "I will do it for you, your makeup skills are not as good as mine. Besides, you wait I still have to take care of the cubs, how can I change it?"

She didn't refuse, so she said that Hu Xianya still attached great importance to this date!

At least it shows that the wall in her heart against Han Jianfeng has begun to slowly appear cracks!
Hu Xianya pondered for a moment, but agreed!
After putting on makeup and changing clothes, it was already an hour later!

Thinking about the time Han Jianfeng made, Hu Xianya became a little anxious, so she urged Hu Yanqian, "Send us there."

Originally, she planned to drive there by herself, but she had to wear high heels to wear this skirt, and there was no way to drive in high heels.

Thinking that Hu Xianya and Han Jianfeng will get back together, and his good days are coming, Hu Yanqian is naturally happy, and when he is happy, he naturally agrees.

Anyway, when the time comes, he will drive the car away, and Han Jianfeng will send Hu Xianya back, which will increase the relationship between the two of them again!
Hey, he really wants to worry about this pair of enemies!

The place Han Jianfeng made an appointment with was not too far from Hu Xianya's company, and it was also quite close to where Hu Xianya lived.

Hu Yanqian couldn't help sighing to Hu Xianya: "Look at how thoughtful he is, he specially chose this place between the company and his home, and that private kitchen is quite famous, and the location is very difficult to determine. Received ten tables of guests, I haven't eaten yet."

Listening to Hu Yanqian's envious tone, she knew that he did it on purpose, but Hu Qianya didn't know why, but she was still happy from the bottom of her heart, and teased Zaizai with her head down: "If you want to go, then go and eat together."

"Forget it, I'm not going to be a light bulb. I'm going to join in the fun with your family of three. Besides, I'm going to pick up girls later. I finally have a day off. If I don't use it, I'm so sorry for myself." Hu Yanqian hurried She waved her hands and refused, as if she was afraid that if she took a step too slowly, she would be forcibly taken away by Hu Xianya.

Hu Xianya couldn't help rolling her eyes: "I know drinking and picking up girls. Those who know you know that you are out to find someone. Those who don't know think that you are just here to have a good time."

Unexpectedly, Hu Yanqian didn't care at all: "Those who know me don't need to say much, those who don't know me, let them talk."

"I think you have a reputation as a playboy, and when you really find someone else's girl, what if they are afraid of you?" But Hu Xianya is still worried for Hu Jianqian.

"I don't know if I can still find it. I've been searching for so long, but I haven't found it. If I don't comfort myself like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on long ago." Who knows that Hu Yanqian is right.

Hu Xianya was too lazy to say to him: "You are just an excuse."

When they arrived at the place, Han Jianfeng had already arrived. He was afraid that Hu Xianya would not know the place, so he waited for her outside.

I was quite happy to greet him, but the moment I saw Hu Yanqian, my face was so gloomy that I didn't know how many times I went!

The look in Hu Yanqian's eyes made Hu Yanqian couldn't help complaining in front of Hu Xianya: "Your man is quite jealous."

(End of this chapter)

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