After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 750 Eating

Chapter 750 Eating
Seeing Han Jianfeng's appearance, Hu Xianya couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled!

This smile made Han Jianfeng misunderstand the relationship between the two, his face was darker than ink splashed on it!
Hu Yanqian consciously stopped, and then said to Hu Xianya: "Okay, you go there, I won't go, I'm afraid that Han Jianfeng will hit me later."

After speaking, he opened the door of the cab, got in, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and left.

Han Jianfeng misunderstood Hu Yunqian, but he could understand it. Who made Hu Xianya see Hu Qianqian every time he appeared, and Hu Xianya never explained the relationship between her and Hu Yunqian.

But speaking of explaining, looking at Han Jianfeng's face, Hu Xianya realized that she should explain the relationship between them!

She is not like Han Jianfeng, who can't handle anything!

Isn't the case of Ou Ruting before a good example?
Seeing Hu Yanqian leave, Han Jianfeng's complexion improved a lot, he walked over, and took the initiative to take Zai Zai.

Zai Zai is not a baby, and when Han Jianfeng hugged him, he was quite happy.

Zai Zai is already more than eight months old, and has grown up a lot. He is a little doll with his own thoughts.

"Zai Zai has grown up a lot."

Han Jianfeng hadn't seen Zai Zai for about a month, and he missed it. Naturally, he was full of joy when he saw the little guy.

"It's been more than eight months, can you not grow up?" Hu Xianya responded lightly, then glanced at the signboard, and walked towards the restaurant!

This restaurant is actually in an alley, in an old-fashioned residential building. Hu Xianya followed the instructions to find the restaurant, but what appeared to her was not like a restaurant at all, but a small farmyard.

Pushing the door open, one side of the yard is full of seasonal vegetables, surrounded by a special bamboo fence outside the vegetable garden, and the other side is a wide bluestone floor, and there is a stone table on which a pot of tea is placed , The stone table is equipped with four stone chairs.

Going further inside is a two-story small building. There is a large balcony on the second floor of the small building. Some flowers and plants are planted on the balcony, and there is also a straw shed with some grapes wrapped around it. The vines, this season, already have small clusters of grapes hanging on them.

"Where did you find this place?" Hu Qianya felt that it was really amazing, and the whole small courtyard gave her a particularly good feeling, the kind that she would fall in love with at the first glance.

Looking at Hu Xianya's face full of surprise, Han Jianfeng knew that she was very satisfied with this place, smiled, and then said softly: "I heard about this place from my friends before, and I know you like quiet, And this place is also very suitable for bringing children, so I chose this place.”

He spent a lot of money to get the quota, which was naturally ignored by Han Jianfeng. As long as Hu Xianya was asked to pay dozens of times the price, he would still be willing.

This can be regarded as the first time she agreed to go out for dinner with him. Although the excuse is that he wants to see Zai Zai, it can be considered a good start, isn't it?

There is also a yard behind the building, surrounded by a circle of bungalows, which are boxes for eating.

It seemed that there was only one waiter in the restaurant, who led them into the box and then went out!

(End of this chapter)

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