After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 751 Eating

Chapter 751 Eating
This restaurant does not allow ordering, and the kitchen usually cooks according to the number of people and the remaining dishes.

It is indeed a restaurant with a personality!
But Hu Xianya couldn't tell if she liked her!

The food didn't come out so fast, after the waiter went out, only Han Jianfeng and Hu Xianya were left!

They stayed in a small box, and the table was a small square table that could only seat four people. It seemed that the restaurant specially prepared it for the few guests!
In addition to this, there is also a tea table in the box, which is carved from tree roots and has a complete set of tea sets.

It's just that neither Han Jianfeng nor Hu Xianya are tea lovers, so naturally they wouldn't touch it.

Han Jianfeng is in a good mood, holding Zai Zai is always teasing the little guy!
Hu Xianya looked at him, with a firm and obvious face line, a high nose bridge, a slightly raised mouth corner, and a strand of hair falling on his forehead!
In his ears were Zai Zai's non-stop laughter and Han Jianfeng's voice teasing him!
All of this, this scene, made Hu Xianya feel like she was dreaming!
Once upon a time, this scene was what she was most looking forward to!

Now that it was presented in front of her like this, it was like a dream!
Probably because he felt Hu Xianya's eyes, Han Jianfeng suddenly turned his head to the side, and the two people's eyes collided. Hu Xianya was stunned for a moment, and then, like a child who had done something wrong and was caught on the spot, his face instantly It's red!
Quickly looked away, and then coughed lightly and uncomfortably!
Some wanted to ease the embarrassment and said: "Zai Zai played very well with you."

Seeing her like that, Han Jianfeng had a smile in his eyes, and raised the corner of his mouth: "He is my son, how could he not play well."

"Well, Zai Zai doesn't take life very seriously, he plays well with everyone, and usually plays well with Hu Yanqian at home."

Hu Xianya swears that when she said this, she didn't think too much!

It's really just because it's too embarrassing, so I talk fast for a while!
Knowing that Han Jianfeng didn't like Hu Yanqian, she still said it out.

After finishing the words, Han Jianfeng stopped the smile on the corner of his mouth, and in a calm voice, he snorted softly as if displeased: "But Zai Zai is my son, so naturally he plays with me the best."

That tone is a bit jealous!
It was only then that Hu Xianya realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, so she couldn't help laughing, and then quickly explained: "I don't have any other meaning, what I mean is that this little guy is very good."

It is indeed very good!
Well, she suddenly didn't know how to explain it. It seemed that no matter how she explained it, she was suspected of getting more and more chaotic!

"I don't even look at whose son it is, it's naturally good." Han Jianfeng still didn't forget to emphasize that Zai Zai was his son.

Hu Xianya:
OK, she admits defeat!
After pondering for a while, he continued: "Hu Yanqian and I are actually sisters and brothers. He and I belong to the same clan. His father asked him to take care of me when he came here. He said it was to take care of him. They came to find someone."

Hu Xianya's meaning is actually very simple, she just wants to tell Han Jianfeng that she and Hu Yanqian are a very simple sibling relationship, not as complicated as he thought, so please don't think about it, it's that simple!
What Hu Xianya didn't expect was that her explanation surprised Han Jianfeng a little.

(End of this chapter)

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