After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 752 Eating

Chapter 752 Eating
"Xianya, are you explaining your relationship with Hu Yanqian?"

He actually asked Hu Xianya stupidly!
Hu Xianya nodded with some headache: "I think you seem to be quite hostile to him."

"Well, of course there is hostility. My wife is actually accompanied by other men all day long. No matter which man it is, there will be objections." Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng was still speaking boldly.

"Who is your wife, don't be shameless." Hu Qianya suddenly turned pale.

Han Jianfeng wanted to say something else, but at this time the waiter suddenly came in with dishes!

Three dishes and one soup, just right for two people!
And the back kitchen even made an egg custard specially for children!
It just so happened that Zai Zai also went to eat complementary food recently, so Su Zhaoxue put him on the dining chair in the restaurant, and then carefully fed Zai Zai to go!

"Why don't I feed you, you can eat first."

Well, a good man loves his wife!
Hu Qianya glanced at him, then handed him the bowl: "That's fine, anyway, this is what you should do."

Although Han Jianfeng has never fed cubs before, he still looks good when he cooks them.

A meal can be regarded as a very pleasant meal. After eating, Han Jianfeng will send Hu Xianya back!
But Han Jianfeng didn't want to!
So when I got in the car, I tentatively asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

Hu Xianya looked at the already dark sky outside, and then she refused: "Forget it, it's time for Zai Zai to go to bed."

Han Jianfeng was a little disappointed!
I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future, but Hu Qianya's willingness to agree so readily today is beyond his expectations!

For this reason, Han Jianfeng didn't think much about driving all the way.

Seeing that the neighborhood where Hu Yanqian lived was getting closer, Han Jianfeng finally spoke again: "Xianya, then next time when I miss Zai Zai, can I be like this?"

"Huh?" Hu Xianya didn't react for a while, but just paused, and seemed to understand what he meant, she pondered for a while before responding: "Yes, if you miss him, you can tell me directly. "

After Hu Xianya finished speaking, the car had already arrived at the gate of the community.

Because Han Jianfeng's car was a foreign vehicle, he couldn't drive in, so Han Jianfeng had to park the car in the temporary parking space at the door, then quickly got out of the car, opened the door for Hu Xianya, and took the cub!
Zai Zai was already asleep, and Hu Xianya wrapped him in a thin blanket.

After Hu Xianya came down, she took a look at Han Jianfeng, and said, seemingly unintentionally, "Since you're already here, do you want to sit up?"

It felt weird to invite people to sit up in the middle of the night. Hu Qianya felt a little uncomfortable. After saying this, she hurriedly said again: "If you are inconvenient..."

But before she finished speaking, Han Jianfeng quickly interrupted her: "Okay."

Hu Xianya:
Since it's okay, then it's okay!
Han Jianfeng hugged Zai Zai, Hu Xianya led the way, and the two entered the community.

Hu Yanqian's house was in the innermost building of the community. The two of them walked all the way, and they didn't know if it was too embarrassing or what, but they didn't speak at all!
Hu Xianya lowered her head and only cared about walking, but just walking, suddenly a black thing jumped out of the lawn next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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