After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 753 Snake

Chapter 753 Snake
Hu Xianya was taken aback by surprise, subconsciously took a few steps back, then squeezed into Han Jianfeng's arms, pointed to the ground and shouted: "Ah, ah, it seems to be a snake, it's a snake."

This season is the season when snakes are active. Although there is a property management in the community, it is inevitable that there are negligence.

Han Jianfeng subconsciously hugged her with one hand, and looked towards the direction she was pointing at. Sure enough, a black thing quickly ran across the ground, and then got into the grass on the other side , gone!
"It's okay, it's okay, it's gone, it's gone." Han Jianfeng patted Hu Xianya's back lightly, comforting her non-stop.

Hu Xianya was frightened, her back burst into cold sweat, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably. When she heard Han Jianfeng's voice, she looked over nervously. Sure enough, there was nothing on the flat concrete road. !
It was Hu Xianya who patted her still-shocked heart, and then said: "I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death."

Seeing Hu Xianya like this, Han Jianfeng smiled: "Aren't you a fox, are you still afraid of snakes?"

Han Jianfeng was purely joking!
"Aren't foxes afraid of snakes?" Hu Qianya retorted dissatisfiedly: "Besides, I'm a normal person now, okay?"

That tone of voice was a bit like a young couple acting like a spoiled child!

But when the words fell, Hu Xianya realized the close distance between herself and Han Jianfeng, and she was lying in his arms, while Han Jianfeng was holding Zai Zai in one hand, and the other Put your arms around her!
And the hand was still patting her back non-stop!

Hu Xianya:
When did she come here?
Obviously it was when I was scared by the snake just now!
"Well, since the snake is gone."

Hu Xianya subconsciously wanted to retreat to the side and leave Han Jianfeng's embrace!
It's too embarrassing and strange for the two of them to look like this!
Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng suddenly put his arms around her shoulders: "Let's walk over like this, the snake is still here, don't worry, it will come out again later."

When Hu Xianya heard that the snake might come out, her face turned pale immediately, she didn't even dare to move when she stood still, her throat trembled: "Are you sure?"

If she comes out later, oh my god, then she promises to move out of here overnight!

Han Jianfeng's hand was still tightly wrapped around Hu Xianya's shoulders. He actually said that on purpose, and of course that's what he wanted.

He smiled calmly: "I'm not sure, but it's all uncertain, just leave it like this, I'll take you there, and just go inside the house." "

"Well, okay." Hu Xianya was so frightened that she nodded and agreed, but she didn't forget to lean against Han Jianfeng!

He didn't notice at all, Han Jianfeng's smile of "scheming" succeeded!
In order to hug his son and wife, Han Jianfeng can be regarded as "working hard"!

But the road wasn't very long, and when they were about to reach the building, Hu Xianya ran in because she was afraid of throwing off Han Jianfeng!

Hu Xianya's body temperature still remained on Han Jianfeng's arm, and her fragrance was still in his nostrils!

All this is to make him nostalgic!
He was a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to show his emotions, so he hugged Zai Zai with his hands again, and then quickly walked towards the building!

(End of this chapter)

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