After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 754 Not angry?

Chapter 754 Not angry?
However, Hu Xianya didn't notice Han Jianfeng's emotional change because of fear!
Hu Yanqian lives on the [-]th floor, one household per elevator, three bedrooms and two living rooms, the area is large and the living room is very spacious!

It's just because there are children, so the inside is somewhat chaotic!
As soon as she entered the door, looking at the environment in the room, Hu Qianya really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in!

Brought a new pair of slippers to Han Jianfeng, hurried into the room, tidied up and said: "I'm sorry, because the hourly worker didn't come over today, so it's a bit messy, just sit down. What do you want to drink? I'll pour it for you."

After Han Jianfeng changed his shoes, he put the cub in the cradle when he entered the house, and looked around: "I'll drink water and it will be fine."

A standard structure of three bedrooms and two halls, one living room, one dining room, two rooms and one study room!
"Do you usually sleep with Zai Zai?" Han Jianfeng asked after looking at the bedroom with the door open.

Hu Xianya came over with water: "No, Zai Zai slept with Hu Yanqian, I slept alone."

Han Jianfeng frowned involuntarily. It seemed that Hu Xianya was really relieved of Hu Yanqian, and even left him to sleep at night!

But after hearing Hu Xianya's answer, Han Jianfeng was inexplicably relieved again!

Fortunately, Zai Zai and Hu Yanqian slept well.
Thinking of this, Han Jianfeng stopped abruptly, wishing he could slap himself, what was he thinking!

But regardless of whether Hu Qianqian and Hu Qianya are siblings or not, after all, he is absolutely worried about living alone and widowed like this. He must find a way to let Hu Xianya go back to live in his own home.

But this is not easy to bring up for the time being, the relationship between them finally got better, and they had to take care of things, Han Jianfeng was afraid that Hu Xianya would be annoyed.

Seeing that Han Jianfeng was frowning and did not speak, Hu Xianya here thought that he was not satisfied with Zaizai and Hu Yanqian sleeping, so she hurriedly continued: "Well, Zaizai is actually very obedient, and Hu Yanqian, don’t look at him as if he doesn’t do anything right, he’s actually very serious and patient. He basically takes Zai Zai at home, so don’t worry about that.”

Han Jianfeng didn't intend to get entangled in this matter anymore, so he nodded, looked back and looked at Hu Xianya, and then asked: "Ou Ruting visited you today, what did you say? Didn't she say she was pregnant with my child?"

Han Jianfeng felt that he had to explain this topic to Hu Qianya, because it was too easy for her to misunderstand.

He had been hesitating in his heart just now, and couldn't find the right words to bring it up, and now this meeting happened to be an opportunity.

After asking, Han Jianfeng kept observing Hu Xianya's expression, and saw that she was calm, as if she wasn't unhappy at all.

"Well, say she's pregnant with your child, and keep me away from you."

What Hu Xianya said made Han Jianfeng a little confused. Did he care or not?

Wouldn't Ou Ruting be angry when she said she was pregnant with his child?
"Aren't you angry?"

Han Jianfeng couldn't understand what was going on in Hu Xianya's mind, so he couldn't help but asked.

Unexpectedly, Hu Xianya chuckled lightly: "Then you want me to be angry?"

"No, I don't want you to be angry." This rhetorical question made Han Jianfeng stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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