Chapter 76

After picking up the phone, he walked outside: "Hello, Dr. Chen!"

"Really? I'll be right there."

Su Zhen stood in front of the desk, and naturally heard Su Zhaoxue's words, seeing her disappearing back, a flash of panic suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Quickly picked up the phone on the table: "Hey, do me a favor."

Su Zhaoxue rushed to the hospital and went directly to Chen Hua's office. Chen Hua seemed to be waiting for her specially. When she saw her, he closed the office door, and then looked at her and said politely: "Miss Su, I have made it clear on the phone, if you want, the hospital can arrange the operation immediately."

Su Zhaoxue nodded, expressing her understanding, but still couldn't help wondering: "Why is there such a project all of a sudden?"

And the project just happened to fall on Mei Hong's head, which is too much of a coincidence!

Chen Hua smiled: "Miss Su, you are really strange. If other people encounter such a good thing, they are too late to be happy. Why do you seem to be the opposite?"

"No, just wanted to know the specifics."

"This is a matter of the hospital, and I don't know the details. But Miss Su, this matter is a good thing for you. With the support of this project, you don't have to raise your mother's operation fee Now, weren't you worrying about this before?"

Su Zhaoxue was really worried. The project Chen Hua mentioned could just save Mei Hong from all the surgery fees. To her, it was undoubtedly a piece of cake from the sky.

But it always made her feel uneasy! |
But in the end Su Zhaoxue agreed, and Chen Hua said that after the operation was arranged, he would call her and notify her to come and sign. It would not take more than a month at most.

After this matter was settled, Su Zhaoxue joined the filming group the next day.

Because she had worked with Director Li once before, Su Zhaoxue probably knew some of Director Li's habits, and her part was filmed quite smoothly.

But after a month passed, the hospital never called her.

Su Zhaoxue waited for a few more days, feeling really worried, and took a few days off before returning to City H.

It was already evening when I returned to City H, thinking that it would be useless to go to the hospital now, Su Zhaoxue let Yu Guo go home first, and then she stopped a car and went back to Qin Zexi's villa.

The villa was still brightly lit. I rang the doorbell at the gate of the courtyard, and after being connected, it took a long time for a servant to rush out, open the door for her, and then took her luggage.

"Young Madam, why did you come back suddenly?"

"There's something wrong." Su Zhaoxue was only focused on walking into the villa, but she didn't notice the slightly uncomfortable look on the servant's face.

Han Bo greeted her at the door: "Young Madam, have you had dinner yet?"

Su Zhaoxue looked at him, and found that when Han Bo talked to her today, he was smiling, as if he had encountered something happy.

"Han Bo, what happy event has happened to you? Your face is glowing." Su Zhaoxue said casually, and walked towards the house.

Han Bo smiled: "Miss Yiran is back."

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback for a moment, but before she could react, she heard a female voice from the hall: "Qin Zexi, I haven't seen you for a few years, why is your boy getting more and more cold, how can I get along with you in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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