Chapter 77

"If you don't want to, you can go back to the capital, no one is stopping you."

There was a hint of ridicule in Qin Zexi's voice, which was not as cold as usual.

"Tch, if grandpa didn't ask me to watch you, you think I'd like to. It's not because I'm afraid that you will mess around outside and bring some dubious women back."

This time Qin Zexi didn't answer.

Ambitious woman?
Su Zhaoxue's heart felt like it was stabbed by these words, did the dubious woman refer to her?

Han Bo glanced at her calmly, then walked into the living room: "Master, Miss Yiran, Miss Su is back."

Miss Su?
Even the name has changed!

Is it because of Miss Yizheng?

Qin Zexi gave Han Bo a cold look, with obvious displeasure in his eyes: "Han Bo, do you have a bad memory when you are old? I didn't mean to ask you to address him."

"It's the old man's order." Han Bo hurriedly interrupted Qin Zexi's words. The intention was obviously that he didn't want Song Yiran to hear anything.

And the meaning in the words made Qin Zexi understand that it was Mr. Gu who ordered him to call Su Zhaoxue that way.

Of course, Qin Zexi understood that what happened in the shopping mall last time, although Qin Zexi suppressed it behind his back afterwards, how can people control their mouths, gossips go out if they don't pay attention, and Mr. Gu wants to know, he is here The movements are also very simple.

"Hey, Qin Zexi, you really have a woman here." But Song still looked at Su Zhaoxue, but it was very strange, and immediately stood up from the sofa, looking her up and down.

That's when Su Zhaoxue saw the woman who had been talking in the living room and had an unusual relationship with Qin Zexi.

He has clean short hair, and his skin is not white. It looks like he has been exposed to the sun for many years. He is tall, about 1.7 meters tall. He is wearing a casual suit and leaning against the back of the sofa with his hands in his pockets. Not because of her feminine and gentle appearance, and feminine voice, but because of her chic and playful demeanor, Su Zhaoxue must have recognized her as a man.

Qin Zexi glanced at Su Zhaoxue indifferently, but ignored Song Yiran: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

I don't know why, at this moment, standing in the same place, looking at Qin Zexi and that woman, Su Zhaoxue panicked, but in order not to let the other party notice, she still pretended to be calm and replied: "There is something wrong."

"Very important?" Qin Zexi frowned and glanced at her.

Don't even have to get to the bottom of it!

It's just that there are outsiders present, Su Zhaoxue didn't want to say at all: "It's not very important, if there is nothing else, I will go up first."

Saying that, regardless of other things, he walked directly upstairs.

Qin Zexi kept staring at her until he disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

The pitch-black eyes, deep and seemingly bottomless, are like a pool of icy cold lake water, which makes people shiver.

"Qin Zexi, she is the girl in your wallet." Song Yiran saw Su Zhaoxue go upstairs, turned around and saw Qin Zexi's entangled eyes, and immediately shouted loudly as if he had discovered a new world.

Qin Zexi looked away, and gave her a look of disgust: "After studying abroad for several years, why hasn't your loud voice changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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