After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 762 Hiring a nanny again

Chapter 762 Hiring a Nanny Again

"En." Su Zhaoxue didn't explain too much, but just responded lightly.

Instead, he went into the kitchen and began to sterilize and boil water!
"If that's the case, then find another nanny and give it to the nanny, so you can relax a bit, take good care of your body and try to give Niuniu another companion." Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu followed her and walked over.

"Grandpa, I don't have this plan yet. The doctor said that I am not in good health. If I want to have a baby, I have to wait until my body is recuperated, so Niuniu doesn't need to find a new nanny. I am enough to take care of me alone." .”

Su Zhaoxue didn't know why Mr. Gu suddenly brought up the matter of having a second child.

What she said was also true, she was in poor health and was not suitable for pregnancy at all, so she and Qin Zexi didn't think about it at all.

And after the nanny took Niuniu away last time, it left a big shadow on her. Now she is worried about all outsiders, so the nanny will definitely not be hired.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu said: "That's just right, you hand over Niuniu to the nanny, and you can take good care of your body. Isn't this a thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

"Grandpa, I just want to take care of Niuniu right now, and I don't want to think about anything else. Besides, I was already afraid of the nanny taking Niuniu away last time. I don't want the same thing to happen again, so for the sake of safety, It's better not to hire a nanny, I'm fine if I'm tired, as long as Niuniu is good, everything will be fine." Su Zhaoxue was a little helpless, not knowing what old man Gu meant.

"Su Zhaoxue, didn't you plan the babysitter? What do you have to be afraid of? It's okay to be fake. Besides, what's wrong with hiring a babysitter? Don't you believe Grandpa? The professional and reliable ones are definitely better than your wild ones that you don’t know where to find them.”

"He is caring about you, but you don't appreciate it. I really don't know why you are so difficult to get along with."

As long as Song Yiran spoke from the sidelines, there would definitely be no good things to say.

The key point is that even Mr. Gu followed her words this time: "Yes, yes, I definitely hire very professional nannies for Niuniu, and I will definitely not let Niuniu do anything."

Hearing this, Su Zhaoxue finally figured it out, she was worried about her for a long time, and wanted to guard against her.

With a sneer, he turned to look at Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, you said you hired a nanny, probably not to take care of Niu Niu, you are worried about me."

"No, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to say that it's too hard for you to take care of Niuniu alone, so find someone to share it with you. You see, Zexi is usually so busy that he doesn't have a home at all. I'm also disabled. I can't help you, although there are many servants at home, but none of them have experience in this field." Mr. Gu was a little flustered and wanted to explain.

"It's so kind to treat you like a donkey. Grandpa just loves you. It's good for you, and I think grandpa is guarding against you." Song Yiran was smug again: "If it were me, I would quickly agree to Grandpa's request, an old man Elder, worrying about your child's affairs, and talking to you here is really the first time in the history of Pangu, if you don't like this family so much, Su Zhaoxue, what do you think you are doing when you come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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