After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 763 Hiring a nanny again

Chapter 763 Hiring a Nanny Again

"Because this is her home."

However, at this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Su Zhaoxue was still thinking about whether she should talk to Song Yiran.

But he didn't want Qin Zexi to come down with Niuniu at some point.

Song Yiran was stared at by Qin Zexi's cold eyes, but he dared not say a word.

Su Zhaoxue sneered, and went into the kitchen to make milk powder for Niuniu.

Mr. Gu saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly explained to Qin Zexi: "Zexi, there is still no other meaning, but I saw that Zhaoxue was too tired to take care of Niuniu, so I wanted to find a nanny for Niuniu. Just right Now that Niuniu is drinking milk powder every day, she can give it to the nanny. Isn’t Zhaoxue’s child in poor health? After giving Niuniu to the nanny, she can take care of her body seriously. I still think that I don’t know I can live for a few years, and I want to watch you give me a precious great-grandson."

"Well, I'll discuss this matter with Zhaoxue. I won't bother you about the babysitter. As for the matter of having a baby, wait a few years."

Listening to the conversation just now, Qin Zexi already knew almost everything, and was surprised by how surprised he was, so he just responded lightly.

"Qin Zexi." Song Yiran called out to him as if unconvinced.

"This is our family's business, you don't care about it. If you like to meddle in other people's business so much, if you feel that Gu's is not suitable for you, I can arrange a job in the community for you, so that you can meddle in other people's affairs all day gone."

But before she could speak, Qin Zexi coldly interrupted her.

What Song Yiran was about to say got stuck in his throat.


Just when she was about to say something again, Su Zhaoxue came out with a feeding bottle, and said yes to Qin Zexi.

"Go upstairs and drink."

Qin Zexi nodded, and went upstairs with Niuniu in his arms, followed by Su Zhaoxue.

"Grandpa, look at them, do they bully people like this? I really don't know why you keep them at home."

Song Yiran was completely ignored, and immediately began to complain to Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu also felt tired, so he had no choice but to put his hand on his forehead, and then said: "Yiran, please calm down."

Upstairs, Qin Zexi put Niuniu in the shaker, while Su Zhaoxue sat beside the shaker with a bottle and fed Niuniu.

Niu Niu is still too young to hold a feeding bottle, so she needs an adult to help her.

The little guy was really hungry, so he started gurgling while holding the bottle.

Su Zhaoxue looked on happily.

Qin Zexi stood aside, looked at Su Zhaoxue's thinning face, pondered for a while, and then said softly: "Grandpa's suggestion can actually be considered, and you can find a nanny for Niuniu again, and you can relax a bit."

"No need, I can take care of Niuniu by myself."

Su Zhaoxue refused without thinking.

Mainly, the shadow of what happened last time was too great for her.

"Then you will be too tired." Qin Zexi's eyes darkened.

At this time, Su Zhaoxue suddenly raised her head and looked at Qin Zexi: "I'm not afraid of being tired, really, I just hope you can understand me, understand me, don't be cold-hearted to me, and spend more time with me. In this case, even if No matter how tired and miserable I am, when I think of you and Niu Niu, I will always feel that I am happy."

(End of this chapter)

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