After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 780 The Unreliable Yi Fei

Chapter 780 The Unreliable Yi Fei
After coming out of the hospital, Yi Fei, who had been holding herself back and didn't dare to ask, finally couldn't help it: "Ru Ting, what are you doing, why did you agree to do a paternity test?"

Ou Ruting was a little annoyed, but responded impatiently: "If I don't agree, how can I let Han Jianfeng marry me?"

Yi Fei quickly went on to say: "Ru Ting, are you stupid? You're just begging for perfection like this. Even if you marry Han Jianfeng, he won't cherish you."

"Then do you think if you are making such a fuss now, if Han Jianfeng marries me, I will be happy?" Ou Ruting suddenly sneered, and then hit back at Yi Fei.

Yi Fei was stunned for a moment, and heard that Ou Ruting was very dissatisfied with her, so she hurriedly said: "You child, what are you talking about, who am I making trouble for, and not for you .”

"Mom, I thank you. For me, can you stop making trouble for me?" Ou Ruting really didn't know what to say to Yi Fei, but just thinking about the unreliable things she did made her stomach full fire.

"Ru Ting, you girl has no conscience."

Yi Fei also got angry when she heard Ou Ruting's complaining tone!

"I'm quite old, and I put my face down to help you, for what, and not for you, but now you think I'm making trouble. I see you, just change your surname to Han, anyway, we The Ou family raised you in vain. You haven’t married yet, but I don’t like it anyway. If you marry in the future, then it’s okay. I think I’d better go back and talk to your dad, anyway, I hope It’s impossible for you, we’re still on our own.”

Listening to Yi Fei talking a lot, Ou Ruting really felt more and more depressed the more she listened, she used to think that Yi Fei was at most an unreliable mother, but now it seems that this is not unreliable, this is simply Very unreliable, okay!

Hey, but the mother I choose, even if it is unreliable, I should bear it!

"Mom, where did you start talking about this? When did I say that I would not care about you and my dad anymore? I just want to tell you that now I have a plan in my heart for this matter, so you just Stop meddling."

"What do you plan to do, is to do a paternity test, and then let Han Jianfeng marry you? Then even if the child is proved to be Han Jianfeng's, he still won't marry you, so what should we do?"

Ou Ruting never thought about this question, but felt that Han Jianfeng was not such a person, so she retorted: "Impossible, isn't Han Jianfeng just wanting this evidence? I gave him the evidence to prove that the child is his." , he will definitely marry me."

"Are you so sure? Let me tell you, Ruting, my mother is from the past, and she has seen many more things than you. Now most of the girls are pregnant, and in the end the man is unwilling to marry. And just now you I also saw that Hu Xianya is still there, do you think Han Jianfeng can marry you so willingly?"

Yi Fei's words made Ou Ruting's heart, which was full of confidence, suddenly seem to be hit again.

"Impossible, I am pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child, even if Han Jianfeng is unwilling, can his parents not want the descendants of the Han family?"

It's just that Ou Ruting still wants to struggle, after all, the paternity test is her last hope!
(End of this chapter)

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