After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 781 Xia Sien is gone

Chapter 781 Xia Sien is gone

"Then what if their family only wants children?" Yi Fei suddenly laughed disapprovingly: "Ru Ting, you are still too simple."

According to Song Yiran's instructions, Ou Ruting sent Xia Sien a message!

Xia Si'en came to the hotel as promised at the agreed time!
In fact, Song Yiran asked Ou Ruting to book the hotel in Ou Ruting's name!

But Ou Ruting didn't go to the room, but gave the room card directly to Song Yiran, and then planned to leave!
But when she was leaving, Song Yiran stopped her and asked her to wait in the underground parking lot!

Ou Ruting was a little puzzled, but Song still didn't explain the reason clearly, and Ou Ruting was a little uncomfortable.Just thinking that she still has something to ask Song Yiran in the future, so Ou Ruting finally complied and waited obediently!
Xia Si'en was taken to the hotel room by someone, and he opened the room, but there was no one inside!
Even if Ou Ruting wasn't there, she thought Song would still be waiting for her in the hotel room!

Xia Sien vigilantly pulled the waiter who was about to leave and asked, "Is there no one in the room? Who told you to wait for me at the door and bring me in?"

The waiter smiled politely: "Miss Xia, it was Miss Song who ordered me. She seems to have something to do, so she will be here a few minutes late."

"Song Yiran?"

Xia Sien asked subconsciously.

The waiter still smiled: "Yes, Ms. Xia, it was Ms. Song who came here to order."

Xia Si'en came this time, in fact, she had no other purpose. Her main purpose was to find out whether what Ou Ruting said at that time was true!
Song is still not crazy, and has returned to the Gu family!

Since this is the case, what about the child in Song Yiran's belly?
Are you still here?

"Miss Xia, do you have any other orders?" Seeing that Xia Si'en remained silent, the waiter asked again.

When Xia Sien came to his senses, he shook his head: "No more."

"Then please come in." The waiter made a gesture of invitation.

Xia Sien hesitated for a moment, but finally entered the room.

The waiter carefully closed the door, and soon the smile on his face disappeared, and he turned and walked towards the other end of the corridor.

At the bend at the other end of the corridor, there was a table with a cup of coffee on a tray.

The waiter carried the plate and walked slowly towards the room again.

It was already two days later when Xu Qinqi found out that Xia Sien had disappeared.

According to the usual practice, Xu Qinqi waited downstairs in the community where Xia Sien lived, while his assistant went up to check the situation.

The assistant rang the doorbell and waited at the door for a long time, but Xia Sien didn't come out to open the door for him.

This is the one who took the spare key and opened the door.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he searched all over the house, he couldn't find anyone from Xia Sien.

Xu Qinqi's assistant ran down in a hurry, and then told Xu Qinqi about the situation.

"Will she pack up her things and run away overnight? In this way, it will affect you. When she was released on bail, she used your guarantee. "

Xu Qinqi's assistant was full of anxiety. When Xia Si'en was released on bail, it was Xu Qinqi who provided the guarantee.

If Xia Si'en disappeared suddenly, Xu Qinqi would definitely have some influence.

(End of this chapter)

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