After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 782 Xia Sien is gone

Chapter 782 Xia Sien is gone

Listening to the assistant's words, Xu Qinqi's eyebrows were tightly furrowed all the time. He didn't believe that Xia Sien would run away suddenly, because this was not Xia Sien's character at all.

What Xu Qinqi was worried about was whether something happened to Xia Sien.

After pondering for a while, he said to the assistant: "You go to JCJ to file for the record first, then send some people to look for it, and I will adjust the surveillance in the community."

The assistant responded and rushed to do it, but Xu Qinqi went to the property of the community and called in the surveillance for the past two days, which really made him investigate something!
Xia Sien left the community two days ago, but before that, Ou Ruting came to look for her.

But Ou Ruting didn't know that Xia Sien disappeared for two days and didn't go back!

So when Xu Qinqi brought someone to find Ou Ruting, Ou Ruting's face was inexplicable!

"Where's Xia Si'en?" Xu Qinqi and Ou Ruting were not familiar with each other at all, and the matter of Xia Si'en's disappearance could be big or small, so naturally it was straightforward.

"Xia Sien? How do I know?"

Of course Ou Ruting really didn't know, but even if she knew, she probably wouldn't tell the truth.

"Did you go to Xia Si'en some time ago?" Xu Qinqi frowned, staring at Ou Ruting, not quite understanding her purpose of going to Xia Si'en.

Ou Ruting was very surprised that Xu Qinqi would know this, thinking that she must not be able to hide it, she said: "Yes, Sien and I are friends who have known each other for many years. I’ve seen her before, and I found out that she was released on bail when I went to see her. Someone gave me the address, so I looked for it, but we just had a chat in the community, and then I left, what, Are you not allowed to visit after being released on bail?"

This set of rhetoric is the same as what she said to Xia Si'en!

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi asked suddenly after listening to her words: "Who gave you the address?"

"The staff over there." Ou Ruting said nonsense seriously.

"Do you know the name?"

Ou Ruting was stunned for a moment, feeling that Xu Qinqi's question seemed a bit strange: "How do I know someone's name?"

"Then go to recognize the face?" Who knew Xu Qinqi was serious about it.

Ou Ruting never went to see Xia Sien at all, even Song Yiran gave her the address where Xia Sien was released on bail, so how could she recognize her face when she went to recognize her face.

Immediately, I was a little anxious: "What are you doing? Did I make a mistake or something, or did I do something to Xia Si'en? At that time, I did leave after seeing her."

Xu Qinqi sneered, "I don't know if you did anything to Xia Sien, but what I do know is that after you went to meet Xia Sien, she disappeared."

"Besides, when you went to see Xia Si'en, it was obvious that you went there for a purpose. After hearing what you said, Xia Si'en's complexion was very bad, and he was very emotional. He didn't go out for several days. Can you explain to me, Did you talk to Xia Sien about anything?"

"Disappeared?" Ou Ruting was a little strange, and her voice was raised several times.

"How can she disappear, she is not..."

He was about to say something, but suddenly stopped.

Xu Qinqi squinted her eyes and looked at her: "What's wrong with her? Ou Ruting, you'd better tell the truth, you know that Xia Sien is special, and you are the biggest suspect right now."

(End of this chapter)

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