After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 783 Xia Sien is gone

Chapter 783 Xia Sien is gone

"What do you mean I'm the most suspicious?" Ou Ruting was startled, but she still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface.

"She's gone, what does it have to do with me? I just want to know her for such a long time and go to see her out of good intentions. How can I see something wrong?"

Just as Ou Ruting finished speaking, the man who was standing next to Xu Qinqi suddenly turned his head and said something next to Xu Qinqi!
After Xu Qinqi finished listening, his expression sank suddenly, and then he looked at Ou Ruting: "You invited Xia Sien to the hotel?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ou Ruting subconsciously almost blurted out.

Xu Qinqi's expression was serious: "Our investigation found that Xia Si'en left the community that day, went to the hotel, and then entered the room you reserved."

"I didn't, I never asked Xia Si'en at all."

Ou Ruting doesn't want to have anything to do with Xia Sien now, because she knows that once the relationship is involved, she will definitely not be able to lose it, and it will probably cause her a lot of trouble.

It's just that Ou Ruting really doesn't know where Xia Sien has gone!

That day Song Yiran asked her to wait in the underground parking lot. She waited for more than an hour before Song Yiran showed up.

At that time, Song Yiran was pushing a big box by his side, and Ou Ruting asked strangely, "Didn't you go to see Xia Si'en? Didn't you go? What is the box in your hand for?"

She remembered Song Yiran's answer to her: "No, I didn't go to see Xia Si'en. I happened to have something to go on a business trip. I brought something in the box. Take me out."

Ou Ruting was still very depressed at the time. It was Song Yiran who asked her to ask Xia Sien out, and now it was Song Yiran who broke the appointment and didn't even say hello. She felt like a toy being played with.

Xu Qinqi looked at Ou Ruting, not in a hurry to do anything to her, but told the evidence bit by bit: "Then do you dare to go to the hotel and confront the waiter there? And the hotel has your room opening record." , According to the hotel's surveillance, Xia Si'en did indeed enter the room you opened."

Ou Ruting's back was sweating profusely. No matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was wrong, so she kept shaking her head: "I don't know what you guys are going to say, I have never been to any hotel at all, and I have been staying in the hotel for the past few days. At home, the door didn't come out."

Ou Ruting thought that although she was the one who opened the room that day, she had never been in the room. Even if Xia Sien was captured by the surveillance camera entering that room, as long as there was no sign of her in the surveillance surveillance, she would have no problem.

"Since you don't cooperate, Miss Ou, then come with us."

At this time, the silent man standing beside Xu Qinqi suddenly spoke.

"What are you going to do?" Ou Ruting stared wide-eyed, full of panic.

The man took out the ID and showed it to Ou Ruting: "Xia Sien has a special status, and now you are the biggest suspect, so Miss Ou, you must come with us."

"I dont go."

Of course, it was impossible for Ou Ruting to go. After all, it was her own territory at home, so she would not be so flustered.

But it will be different when she goes to JCJ. If she panics and says everything, then she can't ask Song Yiran for help.

"Miss Ou, we didn't discuss it with you." Unexpectedly, the man suddenly became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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