Chapter 784

If it is not negotiable, then of course it is not negotiable!

So when Auchanli and Yi Fei rushed to JCJ, it was already midnight!

Ou Ruting was locked in a small room, and there was a person guarding her. When she saw Ou Shangli and Yi Fei, Ou Ruting, who had been pretending to be calm, threw herself into Yi Fei's arms, shivering almost I didn't cry anymore.

The distressed Yi Fei quickly hugged Ou Ruting and kept comforting her: "Mom is here, and Dad is here too. Ruting, don't be afraid, no matter what happens, Dad and Mom are here."

Ou Shangli wanted to go through the formalities to bring Ou Ruting back, but he was not allowed!

And even Yi Fei and Ou Shangli have to leave the house immediately, they can't continue meeting with Ou Ruting!
Ou Ruting almost collapsed on the spot, so she had to hide in Yi Fei's arms, begging: "Mom, Mom, I don't want to be here, you take me back, I want to go back, let Dad talk about it."

Seeing Ou Ruting crying, Yi Fei felt anxious like something, so he yelled at Ou Shangli: "Didn't you see that Ru Ting was very scared? Why don't you go out and talk about it? A little money from them depends on whether they are willing to let us Ruting go."

Ou Shangli was a little displeased, but he was still a person who had gone through a big storm, and he was still calm when things happened, so he didn't talk to Yi Fei at all, but turned to Ou Ruting and asked: "Ru Ting, tell Dad honestly, Do you know Xia Sien's whereabouts?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. Dad, even you don't believe me." Ou Ruting still didn't intend to tell the truth.

Ou Shangli looked a little embarrassed, and looked at Ou Ruting's expression while talking: "But they said that they have enough evidence to prove that you have something to do with Xia Si'en's disappearance this time, and they said that if you don't tell me, you will stay here forever .”

"I don't want to stay here, I want to leave, Dad, you must have a way to take me away, right?" Ou Ruting's eyes were red, and she shook her head quickly, she was about to collapse, if she stayed here Here, she was really afraid that she would not be able to bear it.

"That's right, don't you usually have a lot of methods, you should quickly think of a way, don't let the child suffer here, I feel bad if you don't feel sorry for you." Yi Fei also complained about Ou Shangli, strangely He didn't rush to think of a way to take Ou Ruting out.

Ou Shangli was irritated by her tone: "What do you mean I should find a way? Where do you think you are now? Can I just think of a way to get her out? Do you know that I also went out to ask Well, people said that they didn't arrest people casually. Since they were arrested, there is naturally evidence. But what is the point now, it is your daughter. Even if the evidence is in front of you, you still have to open your eyes. To be honest, she thinks everyone is as stupid as she is."

Yi Fei was taken aback by what Ou Shangli said, and after listening to it, he lowered his head to look at Ou Ruting, and then asked uncertainly: "Ru Ting, is what your father said true?"

"Mom, I didn't, I didn't lie, I really didn't know, I really just went to see Xia Si'en at that time, how could I know that she would disappear suddenly?" Ou Ruting shook her head hurriedly , continued to deny.

(End of this chapter)

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