Chapter 786

Ou Shangli always thought that the marriage between Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting, as long as he nodded, it would be a matter of course!

But Han Jianfeng's attitude was beyond his expectation!
Thinking of this incident, Ou Shangli felt angry, why did Han Jianfeng not agree, their Han family is obviously not as good as their Ou family, what right does he have to not agree?

And thinking that Ou Ruting gave up the finance he always wanted her to study for Han Jianfeng, and went to study medicine with Han Jianfeng instead, Ou Shangli felt that the blood of anger rushed straight to his head.

My own daughter has been by Han Jianfeng's side for so many years in vain. She has almost become an old girl since she was a child, but this kid still doesn't agree!

Wouldn't you say it earlier if you disagree?

If you don't agree, let Ou Ruting follow you all the time?

Isn't this obviously bullying his girl?
What's more, Ou Ruting's attitude made him feel even more angry, his mind was so single-minded, and what Han Jianfeng said was right, it seemed that Han Jianfeng would never marry in this life.

When Ou Shangli thought of so many things that made him angry and embarrassing, he naturally had a bad tone: "Can you blame me? Han Jianfeng doesn't like you, can't you see it yourself? You are stupid, you are stupid, you know how to keep posting By Han Jianfeng's side, can people take you seriously? Now it's good, you're pregnant, you say you're not ashamed. I have a daughter like you, and I feel ashamed when I walk out. "

"Then don't recognize me as a daughter." Ou Ruting was trembling because of Ou Shang's strength, and felt extremely wronged. Originally, she thought that Ou Shang would be able to say something nice to her and feel sorry for her, but she didn't want to be satirized directly After a meal.

Yi Fei looked at Ou Shangli's face suddenly darkened, knowing that Ou Shangli would be really angry, and quickly motioned to Ou Ruting to stop talking, but also pretended to be angry and blamed Ou Ruting: " What are you talking about Ru Ting? You child, how could you talk to your father like this. What he said was not all for you. You also know that we were originally better than the Han family, but now suddenly it seems to be The Han family is far behind, and the Han family is still aloof and unwilling to talk to us. Your father already has a deep opinion of your Uncle Han. It's better if you don't stand by him , and always humiliating himself, do you think he can not be angry? You say you are his own daughter, and he sees you being wronged, can he not be angry, can he not feel distressed?"

After finishing speaking, she still said to Auchan: "You said you, can't you be gentle when you talk to the child? You are angry, but she is afraid here now. You want to leave her and leave, she Can you feel flustered, can you not be wronged?"

Ou Ruting has been pulling Yi Fei, red eyes, messy hair and that messy look!

Ou Shangli glanced at her, after all, it was his daughter, there was no reason why she was really angry and ignored her!
The expression on his face still hasn't eased, but his tone of voice is much better, but he still can't help but snort softly: "She doesn't even want to tell us the truth, how can I care about her? If I have a way, I'll You used to come in and talk to her so much, and you have already completed the formalities to take her out. Don't you know how stupid your own daughter is?"

(End of this chapter)

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