Chapter 787

Ou Shangli originally wanted to ease his emotions, but the more he spoke, the more angry he became, and he couldn't hold back the last sentence!
"Forget it, stop talking, go out and wait for me, I'll ask Ruting."

Yi Fei felt harsh when he heard Ou Shangli's words, let alone Ou Ruting, so he had no choice but to ask Ou Shangli to go out first!

Ou Shangli snorted softly, but he also cooperated and left the room!

Seeing that Ou Shangli left, Yi Fei pulled Ou Ruting and sat on a chair beside her, then squatted down beside her, looked at Ou Ruting and said very seriously: "Ru Ting, you also heard your father just now What you said, people will not bring you here for no reason, and you don't insist, you and mom tell the truth, tell mom the situation, let's figure out a way together, okay?"

"Mom doesn't want anything to happen to you. I'm just a baby girl like you. You said what should I do if something happens to you?"

Yi Fei spoke as if she was really sad, she lowered her head and wiped away her tears.

Ou Ruting also felt sad when she saw it, so she pulled Yi Fei and hurriedly said: "Mom, I really don't know why Xia Sien disappeared suddenly. I opened the room that day and left. Everything after that I don't know."

Hearing that Ou Ruting was finally willing to speak, how could Yi Fei let go of the small details she said, and hurriedly raised her head and asked, "What left? Did you open a room for her after you went to see Xia Si'en?"

"Well, it was the day she disappeared." Ou Ruting nodded, probably because she was really flustered. In front of her mother, she would always be less prepared, so she bit her lip and continued: "Actually, Song Yiran arranged for me to do it, and I just followed her instructions. I don't have any hatred with Xia Sien. Give me Xia Sien's address, let me go to Xia Sien's community to ask Xia Sien, and then tell Xia Sien that Song Yiran is now I lived a good life, deliberately aroused Xia Sien's hatred, and then appropriately added fuel to the sidelines, and asked Xia Sien and Song Yiran to meet. But that day Song Yiran asked me to open a room with my own name, and then let me leave. So I didn't go to the room the whole time, if it wasn't because Xu Qinqi brought someone to look for me, I wouldn't even know that Xia Sien was gone."

When Yi Fei heard it, she was really shocked and almost jumped up: "Ru Ting, are you stupid? At that time, Song Yiran was murdered like that. You thought she would easily let Xia Sien go, and asked you to ask Xia Sien , and used your name to open a room again, just to let you be her shield, now it’s all right, Xia Si’en really disappeared and something happened, but she didn’t have anything to do, and then all the suspicions are on you.”

"At that time, what will happen to Xia Sien if Song Yiran is really caught? She can even pretend that nothing happened, and then put all the blame on you. Wouldn't you be a scapegoat?"

"No, no, I'm going to find your father and discuss this matter."

Yi Fei heard Ou Ruting's words, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more she said it, the more frightened she became, so she quickly stood up, and then went out to discuss countermeasures with Ou Shangli!

Ou Ruting was so scared that she quickly grabbed her, and said pitifully, "Mom, you guys won't leave and leave me alone, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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