Chapter 789
"This matter is definitely not that simple. Song Yiran definitely planned it in advance."

Ou Ruting had been frightened for a long time and was at a loss. After listening to Yi Fei's words, she would just nod in fright.

After Yi Fei went out, he pulled Ou Shangli to repeat what Ou Ruting had said to her.

"Nonsense, this girl is so lawless that you are used to it. She can do such a thing. I think our Ou family will be defeated by her sooner or later."

When Auchanli heard this, he was naturally trembling from anger, the anger just now hadn't subsided, and he was so angry that he was almost committed to high blood pressure on the spot.

"Stop talking, what's the use of being angry now, she is not my daughter alone, you blame me, can you solve the problem? If something happens, you will know to blame others, just now inside, blame Ru Ting , won’t you reflect on yourself? Ruting has grown up so big, when did you take care of her? She is socializing outside all day long, and even I find it hard to see you. Now that the child has grown up, If you know something, you will jump out and talk about this and that, why don't you say that you have never fulfilled the responsibility of being a father." Yi Fei was also panicked, but Auchanli blamed indiscriminately Naturally, it made her very unconvinced.

Although she didn't care much about Ou Ruting, Ou Ruting grew up with her anyway, and I don't know how many times longer than she spent with Ou Shangli. Ou Shangli said that she didn't educate her daughter well, which made Yi Fei feel wronged intuitively In extreme cases, naturally he refuted it on the spot.

Ou Shangli also knew that he was wrong, and knew that he would not be able to solve the problem if he kept arguing here, so he refused to continue accusing each other with Yi Fei. There is a solution, tell the truth to JC, otherwise, what can we do? You can’t let Ru Ting bear the whole guilt by herself.”

In the end, Ou Ruting told the truth, and explained everything honestly.

She thought that she could be released after she had said everything, but she was told that she couldn't go out, and she had to wait to bring Song Yiran over. After asking clearly, and confirming the truth of what she said, she could release Ou Ruting leave.

Because everything now points to Ou Ruting, if Song still refuses to admit it, then Ou Ruting is still to blame.

But can Song still admit it?
Of course she won’t admit it. Since she had already prepared for this, Song Yiran naturally expected this scene, so when she was brought into JCJ, she was not surprised or panicked at all, even very cooperative.

But for what Ou Ruting said, she did not admit it at all!
He even pretended to be stupid: "Comrade JC, although Ou Ruting and I had a good relationship before, didn't I have an accident before? Ou Ruting never contacted me at all in order to avoid suspicion. I'm not shameless, why go to ask for it It's boring, so the two of us haven't been in touch or seen each other for a long time."

Song still refused to admit it, so naturally Ou Ruting's words could not be confirmed, so in the end Song was released easily, while Ou Ruting was still locked up.

Seeing that Ou Ruting could not go back, Yi Fei became anxious on the spot, so he stopped Song Yiran at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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