Chapter 790
Song Yiran actually knew Yi Fei, but at this moment he just pretended not to know her, pretending to be surprised: "Auntie, what are you doing? This is the gate of JCJ, and you still want to attack me?"

Yi Fei pulled Song Yiran's car door, driving as if she was not allowed to get in the car.

Originally, he was full of anger, but now he heard Song Yiran's words, but he was blocked halfway and couldn't get out.

Song Yiran saw her like this, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Auntie, can you let go of the car door, I'm leaving."

Only then did Yi Fei come to his senses, and immediately put on a vicious look: "Song Yiran, why did you harm our family Ru Ting? What kind of grudge does she have against you, and you want to harm her like this?"

What resentment what?
Ha ha!

Hearing Yi Fei's words, Song still couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Auntie, the enmity between me and Ou Ruting is very deep. Your family, Ru Ting, didn't treat me very well in the past. When I was murdered, she But it's a credit."

If she had called Ou Ruting back then, and Ou Ruting had shown a little kindness to take her in, she would not have been taken away by the people sent by Xia Sien.

Yi Fei didn't quite understand Song Yiran's words, but Yi Fei knew that Song Yiran was murdered back then.

After a pause, he finally said: "You were murdered by Xia Sien alone. What does it have to do with our family Ru Ting? Our family Ru Ting has no grievances or enmity with you. Why did you want to kill you? Are you sure?" It was a mistake, you should go inside immediately and explain clearly, release Xia Sien so that we Ruting can go home."

Of course, Yi Fei didn't believe that Ou Ruting and Xia Sien would harm Song Yiran's matter, so he defended for Ou Ruting.

"Auntie, I don't know what you are talking about, please let go of my car door."

Song still didn't bother to explain too much to Yi Fei, even if he explained, it would be futile anyway, and it had nothing to do with her anyway.

While speaking, he had already pulled the car door hard.

But how could Yi Fei let her go, grabbing the door to prevent her from leaving.

Song is still a little angry, but the tone is not very good: "Auntie, I talk to you well, it's for your face, you don't push yourself. Your daughter is in it, she deserves what she deserves, and it has nothing to do with me. As for Xia Si'en, I think you shouldn't ask me, but your daughter. I was framed by your daughter, and I haven't spoken yet. If you are like this, I really don't have to be polite. "

"Song Yiran, don't pretend to me here. Ruting won't lie in front of me. It's clear that you made her a cage, and then our family Ruting will be deceived. Let me tell you, if you If you don’t go in and tell the truth for Ruting, I won’t let you go.” Yi Fei would not be polite to Song Yiran, and she wasn’t the kind of person who would back off if she said a few words.

If she could push Han Jianfeng directly down the elevator in the shopping mall, she would know that she was a person who could do anything.

Song Yiran knew that it would be useless to argue with Yi Fei like this now, and after thinking about it for a while, Song Yiran suddenly said, "Auntie, don't say such things to me, I'm not scared, since If I want to punish Ou Ruting, I must have made all the preparations."

(End of this chapter)

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