After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 791 About Family Property

Chapter 791 About Family Property
Sure enough, Song Yiran's words made her leave directly.

But she left with a wound on her face.

Ou Shangli was still calling everywhere to find a relationship with Ou Ruting, but he didn't want the relationship to be found before he found it. Ou Ruting didn't get it out, but Yi Fei went in again, and Ou Shangli went home directly in a fit of rage.

Song Yiran was directly taken away from home. Mr. Gu sent someone to inquire, but the inquirer didn't come back, but she came back first.

It's just that when he came back, his face was bruised. Mr. Gu thought something happened to her, so he stepped forward and asked, "Yiran, what's wrong with your face? Why did JC take you away when he came home?"

Song still touched his face, and smiled indifferently: "I was bitten by a dog, and I'm fine."

"Then why did JC come to the house to take you away?"

Mr. Gu asked again.

When Mr. Gu was in the house and Song Yiran was taken away, he didn't realize it. It was the servant who came to tell him that he knew about it.

Song Yiran glanced at Mr. Gu, and since he was smiling, "What are you afraid of?"

The worry in Mr. Gu's eyes was not because of the wound on Song Yiran's face, but something else, which Song Yiran could tell at a glance.

Mr. Gu's eyes flickered, and then he smiled: "What am I afraid of? I'm not worried about you. What can I be afraid of?"

Song Yiran followed suit with a smile: "Grandpa, you don't seem to be worried about me, right? Why are you worried about me like this? Are you afraid that I will talk nonsense outside?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not worried about you. What are I worried about? Since I'm back and I have nothing to do, it's fine." Mr. Gu didn't seem to intend to continue talking to Song Yiran, but wanted to leave instead.

Song Yiran also smiled and didn't continue to ask, but if she didn't ask, it didn't mean she didn't know.

What Mr. Gu was worried about was naturally not about Song Yiran's face being injured. He might not be worried about Song Yiran's life or death.

But his only worry and taboo is that he is afraid that Song still will talk nonsense outside and reveal their real relationship.

After all, Mr. Gu cares most about his face.

Song Yiran is naturally clear, and it is precisely because of this that she is so fearless in the Gu family.

If Mr. Gu hadn't been jealous of this point, Song Yiran would never have been allowed to step into the Gu family's gate in his entire life.

But now that she is in the Gu family, there are certain things that she must take the initiative in her hands first, that is, for example, the property of the Gu family!
Immediately after Mr. Gu entered the house, Song Yiran saw the opportunity and went to the nurse to take Mr. Gu's wheelchair.

Old man Gu frowned calmly, but did not speak.

Song Yiran was not in a hurry to speak, but pushed Mr. Gu to the door of the room. When he reached the door, Mr. Gu suddenly said: "Yiran, don't go in, let the nurse come over and push me in to rest Bar."

In fact, Mr. Gu knew that Song Yiran must have something to say at this time, so he subconsciously wanted to escape.

"Grandpa, what are you doing, I really want to talk to you." Song still smiled, but pretended to be stupid.

The more Song Yiran looked like this, the more restless Mr. Gu felt.

(End of this chapter)

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