After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 792 About Family Property

Chapter 792 About Family Property
"I'm going to bed." Mr. Gu's tone was not very good.

"Do you want to sleep, or are you afraid that I will talk to you?" Song Yiran didn't rush.

Mr. Gu paused for a moment, and then responded quickly: "What do you want to say?"

It is naturally impossible for Mr. Gu to say that he does not understand Song Yiran. He knows exactly what Song Yiran wants to say. He is so obvious that he does not want to discuss any issues with her at the moment, but Song Yiran is still very persistent. It shows that she has to speak at this moment.

Since it has to be said, there is no need to escape.

Song Yiran raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said: "What do you think I should call you?"

Mr. Gu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face darkened: "What is the name? What was the name in the past? What is the name now? Do you want to change it?"

"That's different, don't you know?" Song still raised the corners of his eyes, his eyes full of cunning.

"What exactly do you want to say, you just say it." Old Master Gu got angry and patted the wheelchair hard.

Song Yiran just wanted to make Mr. Gu angry on purpose, and she didn't know what the psychology was. She always knew that seeing Mr. Gu like this, she just felt very comfortable in her heart, very comfortable in revenge.

Song Yiran smiled deliberately: "Why are you angry? I'm just asking you, what should I call you? Isn't that normal? Grandpa? Dad? Or something?"

"Why do you seem to be avoiding this matter on purpose? Why do you want to avoid it after you have done it? If this is the case, why did you do it then?"

"Then I'll tell you too, how should I shout before, how should I shout now? Don't you understand now? Still, haven't you always been smart? Why do you have to speak so clearly?"

Old man Gu was really angry, trembling with anger, glaring at Song Yiran, but he didn't dare to go too far, he could only suppress his temper and voice.

"Oh, I understand!" Song Yiran deliberately pretended as if he had just understood, and then nodded.

"Then I'll call you Grandpa. I also think that Grandpa is much easier to say than Dad, and if I call you Dad, others will think that I'm not cured of my illness. Don't you think so?"

Mr. Gu tightly squeezed his wheelchair, his face livid: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Well, I want to talk about how you plan to deal with the property of the Gu family."

Song Yiran took a big turn, and finally revealed his true purpose.

"What property? I'm still here, and you're thinking about the Gu family's property?" Mr. Gu's voice was deep, and his eyes were fixed on Song Yiran, like a knife trying to see through Song Yiran.

But how could Song Yiran be afraid of him? He was prepared to come, but he still smiled: "Grandpa, I'm planning ahead. If something happens to you, Qin Zexi and I will have another fight over this." shelf?"

"At least I am a member of the Gu family, but Qin Zexi does not. If we really want to quarrel, Qin Zexi probably won't have the upper hand."


Old man Gu was so angry that he pointed at Song Yiran and was speechless at all.

Song Yiran smiled lightly instead: "What's wrong with me, Grandpa, isn't what I said the truth?"

(End of this chapter)

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