After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 804 Notarized Will

Chapter 804 Notarized Will
He smiled calmly: "It's not impossible for me to make a will, just let me go to the company, then don't even think about it, I'll just go to have it notarized at most."

Song still seemed to have some concerns, as if he was afraid that Mr. Gu would suddenly go back on his word, hesitated for a while, but agreed!
"If you don't go to the company, then don't go. Anyway, it's okay to go to the notarization. Anyway, grandpa, you have nothing to do. How about just the last few days?"

Making a will and getting it notarized went smoothly. Both Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue were not so troublesome people, especially Su Zhaoxue. She didn't care much about the property of the Gu family at all. Song still gave half of it, even if he gave it all, Qin Zexi had no choice but to say something, she would definitely not come out to object and say no.

It is better than anything else to make Song still not be a demon.

But they thought so, but Song Yiran didn't think so.

On the second day after getting the will, Song Yiran went to the company, and Song Yiran approached Qin Zexi, asking the general and Qin Zexi to manage the Gu family fairly.

The reason is that Gu's now owns half of her, so she naturally has this right.

For her sudden behavior, Qin Zexi didn't show much surprise, but remained calm, as if what Song Yiran did was within his expectation.

"You want to manage the company?" Qin Zexi's face was calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which was a bit unclear.

"Don't forget, grandpa went to notarize the will yesterday." Song still intentionally emphasized the will.

Qin Zexi nodded cooperatively: "Well, I know, I'm also there, so what?"

Song still thought that he was cooperating with him in that way, but he didn't want him to ask a question suddenly.

Song Yiran was suddenly stunned by his "so what?" question, and his mind went blank. After a long pause, he searched for his thoughts and said, "So, what? That's why, so now I ask to sit on an equal footing with you and manage Gu's together."

"Oh." Qin Zexi nodded again: "So you want my position?"

"Well, I just want to sit on an equal footing with you, and your position is still yours."

Song still didn't know how to explain it. She didn't want Qin Zexi's position, but she did need some real power in Gu's.

"If you want to sit on an equal footing with me, I'm the only one." Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows.

Song Yiran paused for a moment: "Then you mean to give me your position?"

"Have I ever told you? You came here to ask me for it. If you want it, I can't give it to you. I just want to ask you, can you bear it?" Qin Zexi suddenly chuckled. With a sound, there is more contempt in the words.

"Qin Zexi, I don't want to talk to you so much. It's fine if you don't want to give me your position, or a position with real power. Gu's is now half of me. What's going on in the company, what's going on? Project, I think I should also know about it." Song Yiran's face turned white and dark, and she didn't know how to refute Qin Zexi's contempt.

When it comes to the topic of being able to stand or not, Song still has some self-knowledge. She knows Qin Zexi's position, and she definitely has no way to sit now.

(End of this chapter)

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