After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 805 needs an important position

Chapter 805 Want an Important Position

Regardless of Qin Zexi's prestige and popular support in the Gu family, Song Yiran came to the company based on what Gu Ping did in the Gu family. The identity of Gu Ping's daughter has already been controversial. Taking Gu Ping's previous position instead of Qin Zexi, I am afraid that most people in the Gu family will not agree.

It's not that Song still wants to speak for Qin Zexi, it's just that the fact is that now, even if she doesn't want to admit it, she has to admit it.

It's just that even if he can't sit in Qin Zexi's position, Song still absolutely wants to find a position of real power that can be talked about.

"Okay, then I will give you the position of general manager of the company." Qin Zexi quickly agreed to Song Yiran's request.

The position of the general manager is a position with absolute power. Apart from Qin Zexi, only the general manager can make decisions in the company.

"Really?" Song still couldn't believe that Qin Zexi was so good, and he still couldn't believe it.

"If you want to pretend it's fake, that's fine."

Qin Zexi was still calm and did not explain too much.

Song Yiran probably knew his character, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The position of general manager was really given to Song Yiran, and such a personnel appointment really caused a lot of trouble in the company.

It's just that Qin Zexi never came out to give a very positive explanation.

Song still doesn't care, she just needs a position with real power and a suitable opportunity.

Han Jianfeng has gradually improved recently, and has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.Although she was still lying on the bed with her eyes closed as if she had fallen asleep, at least when she was talking to him, she still had that slight reaction.

Su Zhaoxue would go to the hospital almost every two days, mainly Hu Xianya, who had been guarding the hospital all the time, and even Lorna couldn't stand it anymore, and tried to persuade her several times, but she couldn't persuade her. Finally followed her.

The little boy was handed over to Hu Yanqian to take care of him, mainly because Han Jianfeng was such a big patient, so he couldn't take good care of the little boy.

Su Zhaoxue's family didn't hire a nanny, mainly because of the last incident, which cast too much shadow on her, so Su Zhaoxue would rather be tired than find another nanny, so every time she went to the hospital, she brought her Niuniu together.

Luo Na is actually a very careful and kind-hearted person. Every time Su Zhaoxue passes by, she can take care of Niuniu for Su Zhaoxue, so that Su Zhaoxue can accompany Hu Xianya with peace of mind.

Hu Xianya has been guarding Han Jianfeng recently. She has never left the hospital since she was in the hospital. She even moved her luggage to the hospital.

Ever since Han Jianfeng's incident happened, Hu Qianya felt as if she had figured out a lot of things overnight.

"You look like this, are you planning to wait for Han Jianfeng to wake up and reconcile with him?"

Su Zhaoxue saw that she was getting thinner and thinner, and she couldn't do anything except feel sorry for her.

Hu Qianya stared at Jianfeng on the bed, looked at him calmly, but suddenly smiled: "Actually, this is also good, at least I can always look at him, and he can always be in front of me, no one else interference, let alone think of so many causes and consequences."

"You don't want him to wake up?" Su Zhaoxue actually understood the meaning of Hu Xianya's words.

(End of this chapter)

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