After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 806 Taking wedding photos

Chapter 806 Taking wedding photos
Hu Xianya was always brooding over what Han Jianfeng did to her before, she didn't want to mind, but those scars reminded her all the time.

She wanted to mind and ignore Han Jianfeng, but she couldn't do it!
In fact, Hu Xianya still likes Han Jianfeng, but sometimes it is because she cares too much, so she can't tolerate any flaws in her heart, which leads to the current situation.

"I hope, of course I hope, but I don't want the little boy to lose his father at such a young age."

Hu Xianya suddenly laughed, then walked to Han Jianfeng's hospital bed, and sat down.

He reached out and took Han Jianfeng's hand: "Did you hear that, you have to wake up quickly, or I'll find another man to be my son's father."

Han Jianfeng still hadn't woken up. The doctor said that in his condition, he would be like this for almost a lifetime.

I have been lying on the hospital bed with my eyes closed for the rest of my life!
When Rona heard such words, she fainted on the spot!
On the contrary, when Hu Xianya heard the doctor's words, she didn't have much reaction. Instead, she smiled and said: "I don't believe it. Didn't he say that he has liked me for a long time? Since he has liked me for a long time, then If he wants to be with me, then he will definitely wake up, otherwise I will find another man right away."

It's just that although the words were said with a smile, after the words were finished, tears flowed down uncontrollably.

When Qin Zexi was going on a business trip, he took Su Zhaoxue with him.

The relationship between the two has always been lukewarm, so when Qin Zexi said that he would take Su Zhaoxue out together, she was quite surprised.

Su Zhaoxue, who was only thinking about easing the relationship between the two, didn't think too much, so she took Niuniu with her.

It was only later that I found out that Zhong Lian also took Yu Guo with him.

Said it was a business trip, but actually came out to play!
And Zhong Lian took Yu Guo there, in fact, to take wedding photos.

As for why Qin Zexi took Su Zhaoxue with him.
Hey, in order not to make herself sad, Su Zhaoxue didn't even think about it!

Su Zhaoxue hadn't seen Yu Guo for a while, and she was much better recently than when she was just pregnant, but because of morning sickness, she still lost a lot of weight.

Yu Guo was very happy when he saw Niuniu, and wanted to hug Niuniu when he ran up, but Su Zhaoxue quickly refused: "You are pregnant now, you can't hold a child."

It wasn't anything else, but Niu Niu was really naughty, and Su Zhaoxue was afraid that the little girl would kick Yu Guo in the stomach.

Children are careless, but adults still need to pay attention.

Yu Guo curled his lips a little aggrieved: "If I knew I was pregnant with a child, I would have to pay attention to this and that. I would not have conceived this child after suffering so many crimes."

"When you are born, don't say that." Su Zhaoxue knew that Yu Guo had a lively personality, and she would definitely feel aggrieved by pregnancy, so she smiled and comforted her.

Yu Guo stuck out her tongue, and lightly touched Niuniu's face. This was holding Su Zhaoxue's arm. She glanced at Qin Zexi as if unintentionally, and said, "But sister Xue, you and Mr. Qin have to get a marriage certificate." Back then, I didn't take wedding photos, why don't I take Niuniu with me this time. "

"Hehe." Su Zhaoxue suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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