After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 807 Taking wedding photos

Chapter 807 Taking wedding photos
Wedding photos!
They are almost divorced, and they still have wedding photos!

"It's nothing if you don't take photos."

Seeing that Qin Zexi didn't seem to have any intention of speaking, although Su Zhaoxue didn't have too much hope, she still felt a little disappointed in her heart. She couldn't help but chuckled, and then turned her indifferent face, intending to speak.

"Xiao Guo'er, you don't know, the boss has already prepared it. It's the blessing of Ms. Zhaoxue that we can come here to take wedding photos. The boss specially arranged it here, saying that Ms. Zhaoxue likes this kind of natural atmosphere It’s a very rich place, so I chose this place on purpose.” The clock connected to the side suddenly spoke.

Su Zhaoxue really likes the place where the nature is rich, and it is also a place she has long wanted to come to.

There are not too many people, there are mountains and water, and the air is particularly good.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue didn't pay much attention when she came because she was not in a good mood.

Hearing Zhong Lian say this, he was suddenly very surprised.

She looked sideways at Qin Zexi, just in time to see him looking towards her sideways, and Su Zhaoxue was shocked.

Qin Zexi's beautiful eyes were dark as if splashed with ink, and the darkness was like a whirlpool, as if trying to pull her into it.

Su Zhaoxue stared at him blankly for a few seconds, quickly turned her head, then smiled, and said to herself: "Oh, is that so, let's forget it, you are getting married soon, it's time to take wedding photos , why do we join in the fun?"

"Why can't you join in the fun?" Qin Zexi suddenly asked at this time!

The meaning of those words seemed to be refuting what Su Zhaoxue said just now.

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback, and looked at Qin Zexi with some confusion: "You."

What he meant seemed to be that what Zhong Lian said was true, as if they really came to take wedding photos.

"We came here to take wedding photos." Qin Zexi said lightly, but seeing Su Zhaoxue's dazed face, he couldn't help but a smile flashed across his eyes.

"Why are we filming?" Su Zhaoxue still didn't understand, but hearing Qin Zexi's words suddenly filled her with joy.

Qin Zexi still had a calm expression: "Because I haven't filmed it before, I don't want to leave any regrets."

Actually, as Zhong Lian said, Qin Zexi brought them here, not on a business trip at all, but to take wedding photos.

Although Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised in her heart, after knowing the truth, she was more surprised.

And according to Qin Zexi's instructions, they also took two different sets of photos.

One group is their simple wedding photos, Niu Niu is absolutely not allowed to appear, and the other group is their family portrait, only Niu Niu can come in at this time.

Although Su Zhaoxue seemed to dislike Qin Zexi's talkativeness on the surface, she was still extremely happy in her heart.

The wedding photos took almost a week, and Qin Zexi felt like a different person at this time.

No, it should be that the previous Qin Zexi seemed to be back again, the previous indifference towards Su Zhaoxue had all disappeared, and his words were even more soft-spoken, and he asked for warmth. He was very kind to Su Zhaoxue, envious Others don't want it.

(End of this chapter)

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