Chapter 809
In fact, the weather is now in June. It is reasonable to say that it is not very cold, and it is still a little hot, but here, it is not too hot during the day. It feels like a natural cold air conditioner. It's a comfortable temperature.

In addition, the air here is very good, so after staying for several days, even though she was tired, Su Zhaoxue didn't feel any other discomfort.

Su Zhaoxue thought that this should be the reason why Qin Zexi chose this place. Although he didn't say anything, she knew it. He knew she didn't like those noisy places, so he deliberately chose this tourist area, but there were not many people. The environment is good.

Because it is a mountainous area, the road here is the kind where there will be uphill and downhill after walking for a while, and when it cools down at night, there will be fog, and the ground is a little wet. Yu Guo is in front Leading carefully by Zhong Lian, Su Zhaoxue walked behind them.

"Sister Xue, walk slowly, it's a little slippery inside, or if you come over, I'll lead you along."

Yu Guo was calm that Su Zhaoxue would slip, so after walking for a while, he turned around and wanted to lead Su Zhaoxue along.

"Oh, little Guoer, Miss Zhaoxue has a boss, why do you want to break up her husband and wife?"

Su Zhaoxue was just about to refuse, but unexpectedly Zhong Lian spoke up suddenly.

Yu Guo nodded, but felt that what Zhong Lian said made sense, so he smiled at Qin Zexi and said, "Boss Qin, then you might as well take Sister Xue with you, so that you can protect Niu Niu and also be good at it." I can protect Sister Xue."

Qin Zexi didn't speak, but just responded lightly, which seemed to be reluctant and perfunctory.

"I can go by myself." Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, lowered her head and did not intend to let Qin Zexi protect herself.

As she said that, she already walked forward. Although Qin Zexi was holding Niuniu, Su Zhaoxue still hoped that he could take good care of Niuniu, but she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Oh woman, it's just that awkward!

She obviously doesn't want him to do anything, but she really cares about his attitude towards her!

But she didn't want her wrist to be grabbed just after taking two steps. Before Su Zhaoxue could react, the hand on her wrist suddenly went down to hold her hand.

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Qin Zexi, only to find that he was holding Niu Niu who was sleeping with one hand.

Niuniu is grown up now, not like when she was a child, even if she is held with one hand, she doesn't weigh much.

Holding her like this now, it may be fine for a while, but after a long time, the arms will definitely be sore.

"I can go by myself, I will be careful, you hold Niuniu well."

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that Qin Zexi's arm would be sore, so she struggled to shake off his hand.

"Don't move." Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi held it tightly, and wouldn't let her shake it off at all.

Su Zhaoxue looked at Qin Zexi strangely, only to find that Qin Zexi looked down at her and was smiling.

The temperature in the palm of the hand was transmitted to the heart through the palm of the hand. To be honest, Su Zhaoxue was a little confused.

"Why are you looking at me and smiling." But the loss just now was due to his smile, and suddenly disappeared again.

Qin Zexi slightly raised his eyebrows: "I laugh at someone who is sullen and wants to be held by me, but is worried that my arms will become sore from holding Niu Niu."

(End of this chapter)

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