After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 810 Gu Ping's Premeditation

Chapter 810 Gu Ping's Premeditation

How could he know what she was thinking?
Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, her eyes were obviously asking Qin Zexi!
"You can ask whatever you want, just don't move around, just let me hold you."

Qin Zexi naturally understood her eyes, smiled and held her hand, then pulled it into his arms, held her hand, and hugged Niuniu with both hands.

Just simply holding Su Zhaoxue, maybe the two of them won't be that close, but if they hold her hand and hug Niu Niu, they can just pull her close to him.

The distance between the two is naturally close.

Well, Qin Zexi's wishful thinking is not bad.

The sudden close distance made Su Zhaoxue's heart feel as if it stopped beating for half a beat. Su Zhaoxue looked at the good smile in Qin Zexi's eyes, but the doubts in her heart deepened.

"Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?"

I don't care about so much anymore, when Su Zhaoxue asked questions, because Qin Zexi's breath was too strong, her throat trembled a little because of the disturbance.

"I'm good to my wife, shouldn't I?" Qin Zexi deliberately pretended to be mean, and asked Su Zhaoxue back.

"Then why did you always have a cold war with me before? You still act like you don't want to talk to me at all?" Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but roll her eyes. Why does this guy seem to hurt someone's heart, but he doesn't know it yet.

"I deliberately pretended to show it to Song Yiran." Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi didn't make any detours this time, and answered directly.

Pretend to show Song Yiran?

Su Zhaoxue naturally couldn't understand: "Why? Could it be because of Song Yiran's current status?"

The fact that Song Yiran is actually the daughter of Mr. Gu, if it didn't happen in front of Su Zhaoxue, she really thought it was a bloody plot.

It's so bloody that people can't believe it!
And when something like this happened back then, Gu Ping could still treat it as if nothing happened and stayed by Mr. Gu's side for so many years.

I don't know what she was thinking when she was by Mr. Gu's side. Could it be that it was only because of the Gu family's property that she endured the humiliation like this?

"Well, grandpa doesn't want the Gu family's property to fall into Song Yiran's hands, he doesn't want the Gu family to be destroyed in his hands." Qin Zexi nodded, and then explained.

"But isn't Song Yiran his daughter? And Song Yiran said last time that you are not related to the Gu family..."

When Su Zhaoxue was talking, she carefully looked at Qin Zexi's face. She was really curious about why things suddenly turned around like this, but she didn't want to embarrass Qin Zexi because of her curiosity, so she Just never asked, never even mentioned.

"I am a child adopted by my parents." Qin Zexi's complexion really sank suddenly: "My mother, because of Gu Ping, she couldn't conceive, so she went to adopt me with my father."

"Ah?" Su Zhaoxue couldn't believe it: "What did Gu Ping do to your mother?"

Su Zhaoxue never thought that so many things happened in the previous generation.

"Gu Ping's pregnancy with Song Yiran was actually premeditated. Since she came to the Gu family, she had already started thinking about the Gu family's property. But at that time, no one expected that a child would have such a premeditated plan."

(End of this chapter)

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