After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 814 Do You Hate Ou Ruting

Chapter 814 Do You Hate Ou Ruting

Su Zhaoxue told Hu Xianya what Qin Zexi had said to her!
Hu Xianya has been guarding Han Jianfeng in the hospital for the past few days, because the company doesn't go often, so Hu Yanqian was let to go, and the little boy was handed over to Luo Na.

Because Lorna is getting old, in order to allow Lorna to take care of her cub and also for her health, Hu Xianya told Lorna not to come, and occasionally visit Han Jianfeng every few days. Han Jianfeng woke up, she will notify them.

So when Su Zhaoxue went to the hospital, Hu Xianya was the only one in the ward.

She was in front of the hospital bed, wiping Han Jianfeng's hands with a towel in her hand.

The sun was shining outside the window. Because of the hot weather, the windows were closed. The temperature inside the room was just right, and the light came in, falling on the edge of the hospital bed.

Standing at the door, Su Zhaoxue actually felt the tranquility of time.

Hu Xianya probably noticed the commotion here, turned her head and saw Su Zhaoxue, but suddenly smiled: "Miss sister, why are you standing at the door, come in and sit."

It would be a lie to say that Hu Xianya has not changed.

It's just that in Su Zhaoxue's heart, Hu Xianya is still the same Wang Xuan'er from before.

Even now, she is much calmer and more restrained.

But her heart has not changed, she is still kind, and most importantly, she still likes Han Jianfeng.

Su Zhaoxue smiled, closed the door gently, then walked in, and glanced at Han Jianfeng who was on the hospital bed: "Has he changed recently?"

Hu Xianya was indifferent: "It's the same as before, what can change, but I usually talk to him, and sometimes I feel that he responds, but this response is not obvious, the doctor said I was probably too urgent I hope he can wake up, and this is an illusion."

Su Zhaoxue responded, "Then how do you feel?"

"I don't know either. I hope that he can wake up, but I also hope that he won't wake up. I know that once he wakes up, our current peaceful time may come to an end." Hu Xianya seemed very excited He smiled helplessly, and his words were filled with some kind of unexplainable sadness.

Naturally, Su Zhaoxue also understood her. There were so many things that happened between her and Han Jianfeng, and she couldn't explain them clearly in one or two sentences.

In the past, Hu Xianya was full of enthusiasm for Han Jianfeng, but now she loves and hates Han Jianfeng.

"By the way, what I told you last time, have you gone to the Ou family?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't intend to continue talking about this topic, so she spoke suddenly.

Oujia's company was bought by Hu Xianya, and Ou Ruting was squatting in JCJ again. Now Ou Shangli and Yi Fei are probably begging for help everywhere.

Hu Xianya nodded: "I'm looking for it."

"Then did they agree?"

Hu Xianya smiled: "Do they still have the right to choose now? I said that I can let Ou Ruting come out, and give them a sum of money, which is enough for their family to live, although it is not as good as their previous life , but it's better than now, and with their current desolation, probably no one is willing to help them, if you agree to them, even if Ou Ruting can come out, so what, they think Ou Shi can go back? "

"Xianya, do you hate Ou Ruting?"

Seeing Hu Xianyan's appearance, Su Zhaoxue was suddenly very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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