After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 815 Do You Hate Ou Ruting

Chapter 815 Do You Hate Ou Ruting

Su Zhaoxue didn't know why she suddenly asked such a question, logically she should hate Ou Ruting.

Ou Ruting contributed a lot to the reason why she and Han Jianfeng were able to develop into that way.

Although it is said that the relationship is a matter between two people, there is always a person with ulterior motives who deliberately creates misunderstandings on the sidelines. How can two people who are not clear about their relationship not have conflicts?
What's more, Han Jianfeng at that time was as cold as an iceberg, unwilling to say anything clearly. Although Hu Xianya was like a fire, the fire couldn't melt such a thick ice, and in the end it was even too cold. Put out the fire.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Who knows that Hu Qianya joked with a smile.

"Of course it's the truth. If I want to hear a lie, can I ask you?" Su Zhaoxue responded with a smile.

Hu Xianya replied lightly: "It's not hate, I don't care about her at all, why should I hate, but for the things she did to me back then, I just think she is both annoying and pitiful. "

"What she experienced this time can be regarded as a lesson for her. She left the capital. I'm afraid we will never meet again in the future."

"Then if she came out, wouldn't she want to leave? Isn't she still pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child?"

Listening to Hu Xianya's words, Su Zhaoxue suddenly remembered an important point.

Hu Xianya was stunned for a moment this time: "Well, she doesn't want to leave, isn't she just waiting for Han Jianfeng to marry her? Didn't Han Jianfeng say that a paternity test will be done, waiting for the paternity test to prove that the child is not Han Jianfeng's, she Do you still have the face to stay here?"

I don't know what's wrong, Hu Xianya felt a little flustered, even Su Zhaoxue could hear it.

"What if the child belongs to Han Jianfeng?"

Su Zhaoxue knew what she was flustered about, and she also knew what she had been avoiding, but if you don't face some problems, it doesn't mean they won't come.

Su Zhaoxue saw that Hu Xianya's face suddenly turned pale, and knew that her guess must be correct.

She was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at Hu Qianya, waiting patiently for her to speak.

"Didn't you hear the conversation between Song Yiran and Ou Ruting when you were in the mall last time? Ou Ruting was not pregnant at that time. Didn't Song Yiran give her an idea later? Ou Ruting didn't know where to find it. The child conceived by the man is good to use as a bargaining chip, didn't she always want to marry Han Jianfeng, the child is the best bargaining chip."

Hu Xianya suddenly began to explain quickly. She didn't know whether she was explaining for herself or Han Jianfeng, but the tone sounded distressing.

"Well, that child is definitely not Han Jianfeng's."

Su Zhaoxue suddenly didn't want to continue talking. Hu Xianya actually believed in Han Jianfeng, but she was afraid, afraid that she would be like before, full of enthusiasm, and unexpectedly be poured cold water.

If this is the case, maybe even she herself doesn't know how to go the rest of the way.

Not long after Xu's assets were divided, Song Yiran suddenly ran to Qin Zexi angrily one day.

Qin Zexi was having a meeting in the office at the time, and Song Yiran rushed in without even knocking on the door.

Qin Zexi looked at her, as if not surprised, but laughed instead.

(End of this chapter)

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