After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 816 Assets Closure

Chapter 816 Asset Recovery
It seemed that everyone in the meeting was calmly asked to go out first. Qin Zexi did not speak, but went about his own business, picked up the materials and returned to the desk.

But Song still wasn't that patient. He walked over and said to Qin Zexi, "Why did you do this?"

Probably still a little afraid of Qin Zexi. Although Song Yiran was very angry at the moment, when talking to him, he still tried his best to suppress his temper.

"Speak clearly, if you are not clear, I don't have the time to guess what you mean."

Although Qin Zexi's tone didn't change much when he spoke, it was much colder, with a kind of coldness that suddenly emerged from the bottom of his feet.

Song Yiran just felt shocked, but felt a little inexplicably afraid and guilty: "What do I mean, don't you understand? Why did you take back the assets I divided?"

Although Song Yiran came to question Qin Zexi, for some reason, Qin Zexi only said a word, and suppressed her aura. Song Yiran couldn't lift her even if she wanted to, so she had to bite the bullet , put the problem out.

"The assets you divided belong to the Gu family. Can't I take them back?" Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, and finally looked up at Song Yiran.

Song Yiran's throat froze, because she felt that what Qin Zexi said was reasonable, and she had no room to refute.

I just thought about it and felt something was wrong, obviously she was asking for an explanation, why didn't she open her mouth, it felt like a defeat.

"You clearly did it on purpose."

Song still knew about it. Qin Zexi actually knew about it a long time ago, but he kept pretending as if he didn't know. It must have been done on purpose to give her this trick.

"I did that on purpose."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi admitted it without even thinking about it, which made Song still feel even more angry.

"Why did you do this? You knew what I was doing before, and you didn't come out to stop me at that time. After I divided all the assets, you suddenly issued a document to take it back. Are you planning to see it? I'm joking, right?"

"I know, I forced the old man in the family to share half of your property and left. You feel uncomfortable, don't you? You just want me to make a fool of myself in front of everyone in the company, and you want everyone to laugh at me isn't it?"

"Qin Zexi, why don't you think about it in another way? Isn't it good for you if I let the old man make a will? The old man did make a will before, saying that he would give you all of the Gu family. A long time ago, that will was destroyed by my mother a long time ago, if I don't let the old man make a will now, do you think you can get a penny if the old man dies suddenly?"

Song is still really angry, but anger is anger, but she also knows that when negotiating with Qin Zexi, she can't directly confront each other.

So in the end, she deliberately turned a corner and brought up the matter of the previous will.

It's nothing more than to tell Qin Zexi that in fact she did this for his own good, and now he is an outsider with no blood relationship. If the old man suddenly disappears, as long as she is there, let alone the Gu family, even a member of the Gu family He can't even get a dime.

(End of this chapter)

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