After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 825 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 825 Song still has bad intentions
"And you were the one who asked Ou Ruting to make an appointment with her that day, knocked her out, and you were the one who put her in a box and took her away. Do you think so? Do you think it has something to do with me?"

What a smart person Xu Qinqi is, although he already knew about this series of things before, and the reason why Xia Sien was taken away by Song Yiran so easily, he also contributed a lot up.

It's just a very important problem, that is, he was only making suggestions and did not participate in it!
Even after Xia Sien was locked up by Song Yiran, when Xu Qinqi was helping to watch, he was very careful not to appear in front of Xia Sien!
Xu Qinqi actually had his purpose, he just wanted to have a handle on Song Yiran!
When he was looking for Gu Ping before, he didn't expect that Gu Ping's status in the Gu family would be so low, so he couldn't have expected that the matter would not be done.

It was only later that Gu Ping was gone, and the entire Gu family looked at it, and only Song Yiran could help him, so he came to her.

Otherwise, with Xu Qinqi's disgust towards Song Yiran, it is impossible for him to go to Song Yiran.

Xu Qinqi's words made Song Yiran stunned for a while, waiting for a reaction, and thought about it carefully, it seems that this is the case, Xu Qinqi really has nothing to show and make people suspicious!

"But we were together, don't you want to take care of me now?" Song Yiran knew that this was not the time to discuss with Xu Qinqi whether he could get away with it.

Xu Qinqi raised his eyebrows: "If I don't want to bother you, can I invite you here now? Things are not that bad, so don't worry too much."

After finishing speaking, Xu Qinqi poured a glass of wine on the table naturally, and handed it to Song Yiran.

Song Yiran was full of anxiety now, and he caught it naturally without thinking too much, and then took a sip: "Can I not be in a hurry? If this matter really comes to light, I will really be finished. Even if the real relationship between me and our old man is used as a bargaining chip in front of the old man, the old man may not help me. I don't want to follow my mother's old path, I still want half of the property of the Gu family. "

"Real relationship? Aren't you and the old man a grandparent relationship? The whole capital knows about it, so it's not a secret." Xu Qinqi seemed to be careless, but a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"No, we actually are."

Song Yiran waved his hand, as if he was very excited. He was about to say something, but suddenly he seemed to think of something, and quickly stopped again.

Then he smiled awkwardly at Xu Qinqi: "Hehe, it's really nothing, it's just that our old man is very disappointed in me, so if something happens to me, they will definitely not protect me, so the only one who can help me now is is you."

"Hehe, you think highly of me. Thinking back, you were someone who didn't even look at me straight. Wouldn't this change be a bit too big?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi smiled lightly, raised the cup in his hand, gestured to Song Yiran, and took a sip himself first.

Song Yiran quickly saluted with his wine glass, took a sip as well, and then explained: "Do you misunderstand me a little bit? After all, we have been together before, how could I look down on you."

(End of this chapter)

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