After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 826 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 826 Song still has bad intentions
"is it?"

Xu Qinqi's rhetorical question surprised Song Yiran, and subconsciously explained: "Yes, if I really looked down on you, why did I stay with you at that time? Although we said we had been separated for many years, but back then The friendship is still there."

When Song Yiran said that, it was nothing more than a cover-up, saying something related to Xu Qinqi!

Whether the words are sincere or not, everyone knows in their hearts, it's just that they look better on the surface!
Xu Qinqi didn't expose her, but smiled: "Well, since this is the case, why don't you tell me the truth?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Song Yiran didn't seem to react right away.

"Don't worry, just think about it slowly, and let's continue talking when we think about it." Xu Qinqi was still slow, with an aura that seemed to be under his control.

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment by his behavior, and his mind turned around desperately, and then he suddenly came to his senses, it seems that he had slipped his mouth just now, and Xu Qinqi heard something!
Otherwise, he wouldn't have this attitude!
After hesitating in my heart for a moment, I spoke: "This is not something glorious, and there is no truth or nonsense. If you want to hear it, I will tell you."

The light in the box was not too bright, and Xu Qinqi was a little far away from Song Yiran. When Song Yiran was talking, he deliberately turned his head to look at him. Under the dim light, he could only see his firmness and clear lines. The profile of the profile face, the high bridge of the nose, and the loose hair on the forehead cast a dark shadow.

Although he couldn't see it clearly, Song still caught the smile on the corner of his mouth. He froze for a moment, and the words in his mouth suddenly stopped. After a second, he spoke again: "Actually I am not related to the old man in our family."

Although there is a kind of remark that seems to be uttered by threats and lures, although it is extremely unwilling to say these words, but it has reached this point, but it is impossible not to say it!

"En? They're not grandparents, are they father and daughter?" Xu Qinqi laughed, as if he was half teasing, but after saying the words, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and turned his head to look at Song Yiran .

Song Yiran smiled awkwardly at Xu Qinqi, drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp and said calmly, "You are right, we are father and daughter."

Xu Qinqi's smile suddenly stopped on his face, but soon he laughed out of disbelief: "So you can go back to the Gu family, and then you can get half of the Gu family's property because of this identity loss."

"Yes." Song still responded very simply.

"Then it looks like you can't marry Qin Zexi."

Xu Qinqi knew that Song Yiran had always wanted to marry Qin Zexi, but he really wanted to turn himself into the Gu family, and now that he really had the blood of the Gu family, he naturally didn't need to marry Qin Zexi.

Unexpectedly, after Song Yiran finished listening, he suddenly snorted coldly: "Qin Zexi should be begging me to marry him now."

Probably because he was too depressed, or because he was too aggrieved, Song Yiran said this sentence very coldly, then poured himself another glass of wine, and then drank all the wine in the glass with his neck down. clean.

(End of this chapter)

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