After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 827 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 827 Song still has bad intentions

"How do you say that?" Xu Qinqi seemed very interested, looking at Song Yiran with bright eyes, and leaned over on his own initiative, and poured another glass of wine for Song Yiran.

Song Yiran still drank it all in one gulp, and the strength of the alcohol came up. His mind was not too confused, but he couldn't close his mouth.

She smiled at Xu Qinqi in a daze, and completely lost the tension and depression just now: "I know you want to hear it, and if you want to hear it, I will tell you, Qin Zexi is not from the Gu family at all. Man, he was a child adopted by his mother."

Song was still dizzy, anyway, he said what was in his head, and finally he drank more and more wine, and talked more and more. He said all the words, and he didn't know what he said. I don't know anything.

After a hangover, it is inevitable that the mouth will be a little dry after waking up the next day. Song still opened his eyes in a daze, and imagined that he would get up and pour himself a glass of water as usual at home.

I don't want to just get up and sit down, before she wakes up, there is a glass of milk in front of her, and then a gentle voice rang out: "Drink a glass of warm milk, I drank too much wine yesterday, drink this to quench my thirst .”

Song was still in shock and almost fell off the bed. When she looked up, she realized that it was Xu Qinqi standing in front of her.

"Why are you still here?" Song Yiran subconsciously asked out of shock, but after asking, the peripheral vision in his eyes quickly discovered something was wrong, and when he looked sideways, he discovered that she was in the hotel.

"Why am I here?"

Before Xu Qinqi could speak, Song Yiran was already covering the quilt in a panic, and stepped back defensively.

Eyes full of fear!
This kind of fear and panic was not pretended by Song Yiran, it was actually what happened last time, and the shadow it left on her was too great, and she couldn't forget it.

Although she usually restrained herself very well, it was normal as if such a thing had never happened before, but this kind of thing engraved in the bone marrow does not mean that she can not care about it if she doesn't care about it.

"You drank too much yesterday. I couldn't send you back, so I brought you here. Don't worry, you stayed here alone last night. I came here in the morning."

Seeing her like this, Xu Qinqi couldn't help but chuckled, a trace of disgust flashed quickly in his eyes, but his tone was still soft.

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, turned around and went to look through his bag, took out the phone and took a look.

The phone lights up, but there is no missed call!
In other words, she didn't go back last night, and no one looked for her at all.

Song Yiran suddenly chuckled, and immediately put the phone aside: "Thank you last night, and let you take the trouble to bring me to the hotel."

"Well, you're welcome, but do you remember what you said to me last night?"

Xu Qinqi naturally didn't let go of any expression on her face, and raised his eyebrows.

"What did I say?"

Song Yiran was taken aback, as if he hadn't woken up yet.


Xu Qinqi laughed, but he didn't show much surprise.

Song Yiran glanced at him silently, bit his lip, but remembered something!
"You know everything?"

She still remembers the words she said when she was sober!
(End of this chapter)

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