After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 828 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 828 Song still has bad intentions
Xu Qinqi smiled: "I don't know if I know everything, but I know everything you said, but after hearing what you said, I feel a little unworthy for you. You must know that you are the sole heir of the Gu family. Give half of the family property to Qin Zexi, and even if the old man is no longer in charge of the Gu family, then the Gu family should give it to you, why should Qin Zexi be an outsider?"

Xu Qinqi's words seemed to be tailor-made for Song Yiran, every sentence, every word touched her heart!
He squeezed his palms tightly, and didn't care to hide anything, but snorted softly: "I can't figure it out either, our old man doesn't know what kind of medicine he took from Qin Zexi, he obviously has no blood relationship at all. , but defending him everywhere. Hmph, anyway, he just sees me uncomfortable now, wishing that I would not appear in front of him for a moment. "

"Did you do something to make him unhappy?" Xu Qinqi seemed careless.

"What can I do, I can't do anything, but just force him to give me half of the family property." Song is still full of unhappiness, really panicked in his heart, wishing to pour out all the grievances and dissatisfaction in his heart : "Do you still want to send me away just like before? I'm really kidding. I am also his own daughter after all. Shouldn't I want all the family property? Isn't this justified? How beneficial it is to me."

"That Qin Zexi has nothing to do with him. Even if he gave birth to a daughter, his surname is only Qin, not Gu. Is he still afraid that I thought he would not be given to him for the elderly? You said he has been paralyzed for so many years , What did Qin Zexi do for him? It's not my mother who took care of him."

"Thinking about it, it's not worth it for my mother. After being wronged so much, she will be kicked out by the old man in the end, and she doesn't even recognize her as a member of the Gu family."

Song Yiran said more and more that the anger in his heart was like being poured with gasoline, and it burned more and more violently. His eyes stared fiercely at the front, as if a fire could burst out suddenly and burn the whole house to ashes.

However, Xu Qinqi was not surprised at all, as if he was listening to a story: "It's not easy to want all the family property, I have a way to teach you, but it depends on whether you dare or not."

Old man Gu was hospitalized again, this time the attack was so fierce that it almost cost him half his life!
Even if he saved his life, lying in the hospital was only breathing maintained by a ventilator. His eyes could be opened, but he was weak and unable to speak.

Although Qin Zexi thought it was strange, he didn't say anything. He just hired several people to take care of him in the hospital, and he would go to take care of him after work. Su Zhaoxue couldn't go because he had to take care of Niu Niu, but Song Yiran did I went quite frequently, but every time I went there for no more than 10 minutes, I left again.

After staying in the hospital for a period of time, Mr. Gu's illness didn't seem to be improving, but it was getting worse. The hospital even issued a critical illness notice.

However, at this time, rumors about Song Yiran spread outside!
Later, it became more and more powerful, and everyone in the Gu family knew about it!
(End of this chapter)

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