After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 829 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 829 Song still has bad intentions
The company holds a meeting every Monday. Basically, the management of each department will come to report the work and work progress of the previous week!
This Monday is still going on as normal!
The meeting is at nine o'clock in the morning, and it will start when the time comes, no matter whether people are present or not!

But everyone is an old employee, and they have followed Qin Zexi for a while, and most of them know his character!
Before, the person in charge of a department came a few minutes late because he was delayed by something. At that time, Qin Zexi didn't say anything. He listened to the report normally, and didn't show any unhappiness, and everyone didn't take it seriously.

But to everyone's surprise, the person in charge was dismissed after the meeting!
Everyone who was caught off guard was taken aback, so no one dared to be late since then!

But today, someone was late!

It's none other than Song Yiran, who bears the false name of the general manager!
Song Yiran has been sitting as the general manager not long ago, but she has participated in one or two such meetings. The first two times she came on time, although she couldn't understand most of the things sitting here, Qin Zexi also took the initiative Ignored her, and didn't even look at her the whole time!
Song still pushed the door open and came in. When she came in, the person in charge of a department was reporting work, and the meeting room was very quiet, so when she pushed the door and came in, everyone looked sideways at her.

Song Yiran was fine, with an indifferent look on his face, and walked carelessly to the position reserved for the general manager on the conference table.

"Go on." Sitting down, Song Yiran, who never spoke in the conference room, suddenly spoke.

That look really looks like a general manager!

The person in charge of the department paused for a moment, but was about to speak!

"You go out." Qin Zexi didn't want to say it suddenly!

The person in charge of that department was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Zexi at a loss, his mouth was also stuck in words, he didn't understand whether Qin Zexi's sudden words were to let him out or who he was letting out!
Song Yiran, who was sitting by the side, was also taken aback suddenly, and turned his head to look at Qin Zexi, but he didn't want Qin Zexi to look sideways at her, his eyes were calm but thick like a pool of ink , let Song Yiran startled all over, and felt a little guilty!

"You let me go out?" Song adjusted his breath quickly, and Song still spoke.

Qin Zexi didn't speak, but that expression answered Song Yiran's question!
Song Yiran paused for a moment, and then said: "Why? I am the general manager of the Gu Corporation. Even if I don't understand, I have the right to attend."

Unexpectedly, what she said made Qin Zexi chuckle suddenly: "You are late, so you are no longer the general manager of Gu's."

"If you say no, don't you? Qin Zexi, do you really think you can do whatever you want in Gu's? You must know that I also own half of Gu's shares."

"I'm the executive chairman of the Gu Corporation. Who else do I need to greet to dismiss a general manager?" Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Song Yiran from the corner of his eyes, with a look of meaninglessness on his face.

"Hehe, executive director? Qin Zexi, you don't know what your identity is? Let me tell you, the entire Gu family was originally mine, and I gave you half because of years of affection. Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. "

(End of this chapter)

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