Chapter 832

Song still didn't expect that Qin Zexi would agree without hesitation. He was stunned for a moment, and then continued, not to be outdone, "Don't laugh, just don't come begging me when the time comes."

After Song Yiran finished speaking, he turned around and left!
"Boss, what does she want to do?"

Zhong Lian looked at Song Yiran's back and asked curiously.

"I don't know, but it should be nothing good."

Qin Zexi was very indifferent.

Zhong Lian continued: "Song Yiran suddenly wanted to do something, and it feels like she did it on purpose."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly smiled: "The old man is hospitalized, can she not do it on purpose?"

"Ah?" Zhong Lian didn't seem to understand yet.

"It's okay, you'll understand soon."

Song Yiran wanted to drive Su Zhaoxue out of Gu's house, but was bumped into by Qin Zexi who was coming back from get off work.

At that time, Song was still instructing the servants to pack their things, while Su Zhaoxue was holding Niu Niu and watching with cold eyes.

Qin Zexi went home, and when he hugged Su Zhaoxue, he realized that her eyes were all red.

Only then did she know that Su Zhaoxue, who was calm on the surface, was actually wronged in her heart.

It's no wonder that Su Zhaoxue's and Niuniu's things are thrown everywhere in the living room. Anyone who stands here will feel extremely angry.

Su Zhaoxue knew that there was no way to argue with Song Yiran at this time, she couldn't do anything, she could only stand aside and try to keep calm.

Hugging her tightly, Qin Zexi's heart ached so much, but he just couldn't say anything, so he could only comfort her gently in her ear: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Ok, I know."

Su Zhaoxue was waiting for him to come back, so hearing his voice and feeling his breath at this moment, it seemed that she had settled down in her heart.

It just so happened that Song Yiran appeared and saw the intimacy between the two, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he quickly sneered: "Why, I'm complaining, are you here to pack your luggage?"

"Shut us out? What about your qualifications?" Qin Zexi cast a cold glance at Song Yiran, his face darkened, and it could be seen that he was very angry at the moment.

It was not other things that made him angry, but Su Zhaoxue was bullied, so he was angry.

"Eligibility? Just because you are not from the Gu family."

Song still seems very reasonable. Now that she has made this decision, she must have thought of all the countermeasures, so she is not guilty at all at the moment.

"Well, I'm not from the Gu family." Qin Zexi suddenly chuckled, and then asked, "You are from the Gu family, right?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm from the Gu family." When Song Yiran said this, he straightened his back, making himself look very righteous.

"The Gu family's household registration book does not have your name, what kind of Gu family are you?" Qin Zexi suddenly said.

Song Yiran actually thought about many possibilities that Qin Zexi would deal with her, but he never thought about this kind of thing.
So when Qin Zexi said what she said, she was suddenly stunned.

"So you should be the one going out now."

Qin Zexi followed closely, his eyes flashed, his voice suddenly sank, and a cold air suddenly seemed to come from all directions.

Song still only felt as if he was frozen!
(End of this chapter)

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