Chapter 833

The whole person was shivering with cold and could not utter a word!
Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Song Yiran took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "I'm not in the Gu family's household registration book, but what does that mean, I'm bleeding from the Gu family, this It can never be changed.”

"What about you, you are indeed on the Gu family's household registration book, but so what, you are not from the Gu family, and you don't have the blood of the Gu family on you, so shouldn't you be the one who is going out now?"

Song Yiran spoke very fast, and he didn't know if it was to cover up his inner fear and guilt, but after he finished speaking, he didn't even have the courage to look at Qin Zexi.

"Hehe, you are bleeding from the Gu family, but did grandpa admit it? If he did, why didn't he put you back on the Gu family's account book?"

Qin Zexi smiled, since he raised his hand, he waved back.

Soon someone came out with a big bag of things, walked up to Song Yiran, and suddenly threw them all at her feet.

Something was scattered, Song Yiran glanced at it, his face immediately changed, he stared sideways at the servant and said, "What are you doing? You dare to move my things, you don't want to mess around here, do you?"

The servant's eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look at Song Yiran, so he could only look at Qin Zexi.

Qin Zexi waved his hand to let the servant leave, and quickly said: "I asked her to collect your things."

"Why are you?"

Song is still very angry!
"Hehe, why should I? I should ask you this question."

Qin Zexi suddenly sneered, "Why do you?"

Why should I lose Su Zhaoxue's things, why should Su Zhaoxue be wronged.

What qualifications!
"Because I have the blood of the Gu family on my body, and I am the Gu family." Song still didn't know what to say to refute Qin Zexi. It was broken, and she still felt guilty, as if she had done something bad.

This feeling is really bad, so she has to hold on to the reason that she is bleeding from the Gu family, because other than that, she has no advantage.

However, what Song still thought was his advantage was actually not worth mentioning to Qin Zexi.

I saw him chuckle, but he seemed a little impatient: "Hehe, talking too much is just nonsense. Since you don't want to leave, I can only help you."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he summoned a servant, who carried Song Yiran's luggage and went outside.

"what are you doing?"

Song Yiran yelled loudly, turned around and wanted to stop the servant.

But it was still a step too late, the servant had already walked out with her luggage.

After leaving the other door, he walked all the way to the gate of the courtyard. The servant opened the door and threw all Song Yiran's things out.

It was really thrown, because the bag of luggage slammed loudly on the ground at the door.

"What are you doing? You dare to throw it away because it belongs to me. Be careful that Grandpa is back and kicks you out. You are a running dog who eats everything, do you know that it is actually me?"

Song Yiran was so angry that he wanted to pick up the luggage when he left the yard, and at the same time he didn't forget to threaten the servant who threw the luggage.

(End of this chapter)

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