Chapter 834

It's just that before the words in his mouth were finished, the yard door was slammed shut.

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, looking at the closed door, he didn't even move for a few seconds.

Waiting for the reaction to come, this is the time to get up quickly and walk towards the door quickly, while ringing the doorbell, while shouting: "Qin Zexi, let me tell you, don't go too far."

Song Yiran didn't knock at the door for long. After all, this is a public place, and she kept knocking to attract neighbors and people around her. She would be the one who would be ashamed by then.
There was no one to look for, so Song Yiran had no choice but to call Xu Qinqi, but Xu Qinqi appeared very quickly, and quickly picked Song Yiran away.

On the way, Xu Qinqi teased Song Yiran: "It's the second time, Song Yiran, did you just say you were miserable?"

Song Yiran felt embarrassed at first, and even made this call to Xu Qinqi with the audacity to call Xu Qinqi. After hearing his words, Song Yiran just felt a wave of anger rushing up directly.

He squeezed his palms fiercely, but still maintained a difficult smile on his face: "Don't worry, there will definitely not be a third time, and next time I will definitely let Qin Zexi have a taste of this."

Xu Qinqi didn't say much after listening, just smiled: "Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

Song still smiled awkwardly, really didn't know what to say, so he didn't respond.

The carriage was quiet for two seconds, but Song Yiran suddenly remembered something very important, and then asked Xu Qinqi: "Where is Xia Sien, where is it, can I go and see her?"

"Want to see Xia Sien?"

"Yes." Song still responded.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Yi Fei went to JCJ to visit Ou Ruting. Ou Ruting had been imprisoned for more than half a month. She had gone from panic and bewilderment at the beginning to exhaustion now.

Because Ou Ruting was pregnant, he arranged her aside alone. When Yi Fei went to see her, seeing her haggard appearance, he went up to hug her in distress.

"Ru Ting, why are you like this?"

Wearing the uniform underneath, his face was sallow, his hair was disheveled, and he had lost several circles of weight.

The whole person is haggard and disfigured!

"Mom." When Ou Ruting saw Yi Fei, tears flowed down her eyes.

"Can you ask Dad to find a way to bail me out, I don't want to stay here anymore, I really can't stand it."

"Ru Ting, we have a solution now, we have a solution." Yi Fei hugged Ou Ruting and said hurriedly.

"Really, really?" Ou Ruting was overjoyed.

Yifei also visited her a few times before, but every time Ou Ruting cried, Yifei also cried.

Ou Ruting knew that there must be no other way, that's why Yi Fei behaved like this.

But this time Yi Fei suddenly said these words, which really surprised Ou Ruting.

"It's true, it's true." Yi Fei was also very happy. Although her eyes were red, she was smiling all the time.

"Then when can I go out?"

Ou Ruting looked at her like that, knowing that Yi Fei was not fooling her, but looked at her expectantly.

"I can go out soon, but before I go out, can you promise my mother a request?"

Ou Ruting's heart was startled by Yi Fei's sudden question, and the smile on her face stopped suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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