After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 838 Proposal

Chapter 838 Proposal
With that kind of very strong pampering!

"Why do you say sorry, I am your husband, the last person you need to feel sorry and embarrassed is me, you know?"

"But I stained your clothes." Su Zhaoxue still felt sorry.

Qin Zexi knew that it was useless to say anything else, but looked down at her very gently with his head down, and then said, "Well, as compensation, don't cry now, okay?"

Seeing her cry like this, his heart felt like it was gouged out by a knife!
Su Zhaoxue was a little embarrassed to face Qin Zexi, so she bit her lip and nodded, "Yes, good."

"This is good." Qin Zexi's voice was still soft, and he still hugged her: "Why are you crying? Did you cry because you watched Yu Guo's wedding?"

Of course Su Zhaoxue wouldn't tell him the truth, so she just nodded: "Well, seeing her happy, I'm happy for her."

"Silly girl." Qin Zexi rubbed her hair pamperingly, and didn't continue talking, but his eyes suddenly sank.

The two went in together later, Qin Zexi seemed to have something to do, so he left for a while.

Su Zhaoxue didn't pay much attention to it, originally she wanted to say her best wishes to Guo, but seeing that she seemed to be very busy, with relatives and friends surrounding her, she thought about it and planned to go later.

At this time, the stage was already quiet, but suddenly it became busy.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the hall suddenly went out, leaving only one spotlight shaking in the hall!

Probably because it was too sudden, the guests in the hall started to boo and whisper.

At this time, a very melodious song was played in the hall, followed by the sound of someone holding a microphone!
The arena instantly fell silent!
"Everyone, I'm sorry, let me borrow Mr. Zhong's wedding scene. We now have a gentleman who wants us to convey something to his wife for him."

"They met 17 years ago and separated due to some misunderstandings seven years ago. Fortunately, six years later, they were together again and now have their own daughter."

When the host said these words, Su Zhaoxue suddenly froze!

Why does this story feel so much like her and Qin Zexi!

Just when Su Zhaoxue was in a daze, the host's voice suddenly disappeared, and then Qin Zexi's familiar voice suddenly appeared in her ears!

Su Zhaoxue was completely stunned, and couldn't even react!
"Do you still remember, more than a year ago, when we met for the first time after being separated for six years, I said that I would go with you to get a certificate. Do you think I was particularly ridiculous at that time?"

"But you have to know, at that time, I mustered up so much courage to go to you and say something like that."

"On the outside, I look very calm and indifferent, but in fact, only I know in my heart how flustered I was at that time."

"I'm flustered that we've been separated for so long, will you have forgotten me long ago? I'm flustered, I made such an unreasonable request, will you reject me directly."

"But at the same time as I was flustered, I actually had a very firm idea in my heart, that is, this time, no matter what, I will not let you leave my side."

(End of this chapter)

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