After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 839 Proposal

Chapter 839 Proposal
"That's why I was so eager to get the marriage certificate with you at that time. I wanted to use that one to tie you tightly by my side."

"I know it's selfish. I know you will refuse. In fact, I am afraid that you will refuse, so I use the Su family to force you."

"But I'm very lucky. You agreed to get a marriage certificate with me. Your name is next to my name. In that photo, you and I are close together."

Su Zhaoxue's eye sockets suddenly turned red. Qin Zexi said he was very lucky, so why not her.

How lucky is she to be with him in this life.

How lucky is she that her and his names are tightly bound together!
She is so lucky that they can be close together in the photo!
"Zhaoxue, I'm sorry." But at this moment, Qin Zexi's voice suddenly sank!
Su Zhaoxue was startled, thinking he was going to say something else!
"Originally, I thought that if I tied you by my side, I would be able to let you live a comfortable life, but I didn't expect that you would suffer so much by following me."

"I couldn't be with you when you were pregnant, and I couldn't even be with you when you gave birth to Niuniu. I know that I am not a qualified husband or a qualified father."

"No, no."

Listening to his words, his low tone, and the obvious self-blame in his tone, Su Zhaoxue kept shaking her head in distress.

She never really blamed him for anything. She knew that he actually cared about her, loved her, and put her first.

It's just that people live in this world, there are too many helplessness!
But that's enough, and she's grateful that they've been through so much together and are still together now.

As long as they can be together, nothing else matters, does it!

"Zhaoxue, we have obtained a marriage certificate for so long, I have never asked you a question, I was afraid to ask before, but then I seemed to feel that our living conditions are taken for granted, there is no need to ask, and then we Niuniu, I seem to have gotten used to everything, so I just ignored it. It wasn’t until I saw you crying secretly in a corner just now, and I went to ask you, and you said you were moved, that I suddenly understood , you are also a girl, the wedding that girls look forward to, you also look forward to."

"So what I want to ask now is, Zhaoxue, will you marry me?"

Qin Zexi's words fell silent, and the spotlight in the hall that was flickering was suddenly projected in front of Su Zhaoxue, and Qin Zexi, who was supposed to be speaking in the distance, stood in front of her at some point!

He held a large bunch of words in front of him, and he did not know where he got a ring box in a short period of time. When he opened the box, there was a shiny diamond ring inside.

Some people around shouted: "Wow, Mr. Qin has spent a lot of money, such a big diamond ring, I am so envious of Miss Su."

Su Zhaoxue's eyes were red, she didn't pay attention to the size of the diamond ring at all, she only saw Qin Zexi's shining eyes, and the tenderness in them.

"Will you marry me?"

Holding the diamond ring, Qin Zexi suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Su Zhaoxue.

"I am willing." Su Zhaoxue was not willing to make him kneel, so she just went to pull him.

(End of this chapter)

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