After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 84 Blending

Chapter 84 Blending
Qin Zexi frowned and didn't answer any more!
If what Zhong Lian said is true, then this matter is not that simple!
It may not be too big to turn around the things that grandpa took action to prevent!
And in the future, it will not be so easy for him to find other reasons to continue to operate on Mei Hong.

But the strange thing is, how did grandpa know?
"Okay, you go find someone to find out first. This matter should not be as simple as it looks on the surface. Someone must have said something to grandpa. Get this person out first."

As Qin Zexi said that, he pushed open the door of the ward!
Su Zhaoxue was lying on Mei Hong's hospital bed, feeling weak and just about to get up, when she suddenly heard the door of the ward open.

Looking back, he froze in place!

Qin Zexi?
Why is he here?

The expression on Qin Zexi's face remained unchanged, he walked in slowly, and closed the door of the ward gently.

"Why are you here?" Su Zhaoxue seemed to have recovered.

Qin Zexi had already walked over, and then stopped by the side of the hospital bed, less than two steps away from her, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Didn't you say that I came with you yesterday? I was delayed by something in the morning, sorry .”

Su Zhaoxue didn't expect that Qin Zexi still remembered what he said last night!

And I will apologize to her!

In the morning, she obviously ran out with a sandwich, why did he apologize to her?

Was the delay he said because of that Miss Yiran again?
Su Zhaoxue was not in a good mood at all, but because of this sudden thought, it was like a heavy dark cloud was cast over her.

Lowering his head, he twisted his fingers: "You don't have to apologize to me, you shouldn't have come here in the first place."

The more she said, the lower the voice: "It has nothing to do with you, this is just my own private matter."

Su Zhaoxue's words contained some elements of anger, because she was angry because she was in a bad mood, and because she cared about Song Yiran's anger!

It's all said to be angry, but it's not so pleasant to Qin Zexi's ears.

Frowning, a trace of displeasure flashed quickly in the dark eyes, but the tone of his mouth was still very soft: "Why do you say such things again, why is it okay? We are husband and wife, aren't we?"

That's it again!

Husband and wife, hearing such words last night, Su Zhaoxue still felt sweet in her heart.

But at this moment, I only feel irony!

Just after sleeping with another woman, she turned around and said to her, are they husband and wife?
How ridiculous!

There was a surge of qi in his heart, and Su Zhaoxue only felt that this qi rushed directly to his throat like a ball of fire.

He raised his head, looked straight at Qin Zexi, and said coldly with a sullen face, "Are you meddling with my mother's affairs?"

Originally, she wanted to ask, what is the relationship between him and that Miss Yiran?
Where did he put her again!

Why can he still eat what is in his hand and look at what is in the pot so confidently?
But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back!

In that case, she really didn't have the courage to ask!

If he said, she was nothing!

And he came back just to humiliate her!

Then what should she do?
After so many days of beautiful dreams, is it really just a dream?

Su Zhaoxue was really scared and panicked!
It is really bad to mix this word!

Anyone who hears such words will probably be very unhappy!

(End of this chapter)

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