After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 85 Su Zhaoxue Vented

Chapter 85 Su Zhaoxue Vented
In Qin Zexi's dark eyes, there are layers of waves, like turbulent waves, which reach a high point in an instant, but then quickly fall away.

He just stared at Su Zhaoxue for a long time, so long that Su Zhaoxue felt uncomfortable, so long that the anger in her heart had already turned into a puddle of water, so long that she thought he would question him angrily she.

"This matter is indeed my negligence, I'm sorry."

Qin Zexi's answer seemed to be beyond her expectation!
Su Zhaoxue suddenly raised her head and looked at him, full of disbelief, she opened her mouth slightly, but no sound came out.

He raised his hand and shook it in front of his eyes, wanting to confirm whether he was normal or abnormal at the moment.

But it doesn't matter, as soon as he raised his hand, Qin Zexi suddenly grabbed it!

The scorching and moist palm seemed to be charged with electricity, and Su Zhaoxue's whole body was numb from the shock.

She moved slightly, trying to break free from Qin Zexi's palm.

However, Qin Zexi didn't seem to use much force, but he pinched her extremely tightly.

"What are you doing, let me go." Su Zhaoxue's throat trembled, her brows were frowned, her face was full of displeasure, but her cheeks blushed uncontrollably.

Qin Zexi looked at her seriously, but his eyes were full of apology, like comfort and promise: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a solution for your mother's operation."

I remembered the surgery and the only chance this time, so I missed it for nothing!
Su Zhaoxue only felt that the good fire in her heart was ignited again in an instant!
She was as irritable as an angry lion. While struggling to break free from Qin Zexi's grasp, she looked at him and shouted loudly: "What do you think? If it wasn't for you, Dr. Chen wouldn't be killed My mother won't waste time if you dismiss her, you said you can find a way, what else can you do now, even if you can have an operation, the chance of my mother waking up is zero."

"Do you know that my mother has been lying here for two full years, and now she finally has a chance to wake up, but because of your involvement, she is fine now, and she doesn't know how many two years she will lie here in the future." year."

"I can still make money now, and I can still make offerings to her, but I am a mud bodhisattva, and I can't protect myself when I cross the river. If there is really no other way, why don't I just stand here and watch her die?" Machine, and then step by step to the end of life? Then what is the point of my insistence on these years, it is better to give her a break now. "

Su Zhaoxue only felt that all the grievances, anger, and hatred in her heart were about to burst out.

She couldn't stop wanting to growl, she couldn't stop wanting to cry!

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, she had endured it for so many years, but now in front of Qin Zexi, she couldn't help it!
She let her tears keep rushing out of her eyes, and she let herself be like a shrew, constantly losing her temper at Qin Zexi.

Qin Zexi had never seen Su Zhaoxue in such a state, watching her cry and talking loudly at him.

Qin Zexi's heart felt like a knife was twisting, he couldn't restrain himself from the pain, he stretched out his arms to hug her, and then hugged her fiercely into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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