After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 86 Explained

Chapter 86 Explained
He kept patting her on the back, and kept whispering in her ear: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault."

If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been kicked out of Su's house!
If it wasn't for him to have a showdown with Su Zhen, Su Zhen wouldn't plan to harm her.

It's all because of him that she has suffered so much these years.

Qin Zexi blamed himself, felt guilty!

He hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to embed her into his body!
The moment Su Zhaoxue was hugged into Qin Zexi's arms, the familiar scent came over her nose like a catalyst, making Su Zhaoxue's nose sore, her throat swollen, her tears seemed uncontrollable, and she flowed even more violently some.

She couldn't help crying more and more, as if she had suffered a great grievance, and she only wanted to cry a good cry before she could vent it completely.

She didn't know how long she cried, but Su Zhaoxue only felt a tightness in her chest, and when she began to hiccup along her throat, she gradually stopped.

Qin Zexi's hand was still patting her back lightly, very lightly and softly. Su Zhaoxue suddenly felt that it was the first time in the past six years that she felt so at ease and at ease.

Just because in his arms!
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now." Her head was still buried in Qin Zexi's arms. After crying, Su Zhaoxue was obviously sober. All the things she had vented just now made her feel a strong sense of self-blame.

Qin Zexi helped her out of kindness, and she should never have blamed him for what happened.

"It doesn't matter, this incident was caused by my negligence. If I had been more cautious at the beginning, maybe it would not have become what it is now." Qin Zexi's tone was very light, as light as a feather, staying on her heart, soft and comfortable.

Su Zhaoxue looked up at Qin Zexi, and asked in a strong nasal voice, "You mean, someone did this on purpose?"

The eye sockets were a little red and swollen after crying, even the tip of the nose was red, and there were still some undried tears on the cheeks.

Qin Zexi just looked down at her like this, his dark eyes seemed so soft that he could squeeze out a puddle of water.

Raising his hand and gently brushing the hair around her ear, this is the gentle answer: "It's because of grandpa."

Qin Zexi didn't intend to hide it from her, and it was a big project to get his grandfather's approval, and he needed her to fight side by side with him.

It is not necessary for her to charge, but at least she must understand the enemy's situation and be able to stand where he can see it.

"Master Gu?" Su Zhaoxue frowned subconsciously: "Is it because of me?"

"Well, Grandpa has always wanted me to marry Song Yiran, so after knowing that you are by my side, I don't quite agree with it." Qin Zexi's eyes were a little bit embarrassed.

"Song Yiran? Is that Miss Yiran from the villa?" Although it was very simple, Su Zhaoxue still wanted to confirm.

Qin Zexi nodded: "Well, she is my aunt's daughter, but we are not related by blood. Grandpa wants my aunt to treat the Gu family wholeheartedly, so he came up with this ridiculous idea."

Su Zhaoxue was surprised that Qin Zexi would tell her this!

Is he explaining to her?
But that scene in the morning.
Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, and there seemed to be some tears in her eyes. She looked at Qin Zexi, a little hesitant, and a little uneasy!

(End of this chapter)

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