Chapter 87
She didn't know if she should ask!

But she is clear, if she doesn't ask, this matter will always be a shadow in her heart!
Even if she would persuade herself to ignore it automatically in the future, it would be like an invisible bomb that might explode at any time.

Just like today!
Su Zhaoxue's heart was fluctuating, she couldn't figure out what Qin Zexi was thinking, and she didn't know why he was standing here and treating her so tenderly!
In fact, in the final analysis, she just has no self-confidence!
She didn't believe that Qin Zexi was standing here at this moment because he liked her and cared about her.


Mustering up a lot of courage, Su Zhaoxue finally spoke.

I just opened my mouth, but I can't continue!

Qin Zexi was a little confused: "What happened in the morning?"

He remembered that when she had breakfast in the morning, she was in a bad mood. Could it be because of the variety of breakfast?

After a pause, seeing that Su Zhaoxue still didn't speak, she continued, "Is it because Han Bo changed the breakfast without authorization? So you're upset?"

Qin Zexi's tone was very light and soft, as if he was speaking to a child who was not very sensible.

Su Zhaoxue felt a little embarrassed in an instant. She was indeed a little unhappy about the breakfast, but this was not the main reason, it was just a joint incident.

But at the moment when Qin Zexi said it, no matter how he heard it, Su Zhaoxue seemed to be making trouble for no reason.

"No." Su Zhaoxue quickly shook her head, "It's because when I got up in the morning, I saw Miss Yiran coming out of your room."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly added another sentence: "I'm wearing pajamas, I just got up."

"Song Yiran?" Qin Zexi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know about it, but he quickly grasped the point and quickly explained: "I have the habit of doing morning exercises in the morning, and I usually wake up around 05:30 , When did Song Yiran go to my room? I don't even know."

In other words, Song Yiran did not spend the night in Qin Zexi's room last night!
"Really?" When Su Zhaoxue heard this, she immediately felt joy from her heart, and her face was full of unstoppable smiles!

Qin Zexi looked at her, and suddenly understood the reason why she hurried away with a sandwich in the morning.

She raised her eyebrows, her sexy lips curled up slightly, and she suddenly asked, "Are you upset because of this?"

This person doesn't play cards according to common sense!
"Is that why you were crying just now?"

It's not over yet!

Su Zhaoxue sneered, her cheeks were a little red, and she felt embarrassed that her little thoughts had been exposed.


Forget it, let's tell the truth!

"It's actually because of this!"

After finishing speaking, he was confident and confident: "Don't you say that we are husband and wife, isn't the most important thing a husband and wife should obey is loyalty."

"Yes." Qin Zexi nodded in agreement, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Like the surface of a lake blown by a breeze, ripples arose in Su Zhaoxue's heart.

Su Zhaoxue felt more and more embarrassed, coughed lightly, and then moved: "Can you let me go?"

"Okay." Qin Zexi was very cooperative and let her go.

The moment she left the warm embrace, Su Zhaoxue's heart felt as if something had dropped, empty!

(End of this chapter)

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