After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 848 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 848 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

In this way, she can feel his body temperature and his breath, so she will not be nervous or afraid!

"Okay." Qin Zexi smiled at her gently, then held her hand tightly and walked towards the stage.

Someone beside him carefully led the way, Qin Zexi walked very slowly, and also carefully and calmly protected Su Zhaoxue.

As soon as he walked up, the host hurriedly took the microphone over, and there was another burst of applause.

Qin Zexi squeezed her hand even harder, and Su Zhaoxue knew that it was him giving him encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, Su Zhaoxue smiled, and then looked forward.

There were really more people below the stage than expected. Although the lights in the hall were much dimmed, Su Zhaoxue almost ran away after seeing the past like this.

It's really worthless. When I was filming and accepting variety shows before, I faced a lot of people, and I didn't see myself so nervous.

It's just an anniversary, why are you so nervous?

"Hey, why do I feel that Sister Xue seems to be quite nervous."

Yu Guo and Hu Xianya are in the lounge. Although they are far away, they can still see the movement on the stage clearly.

Yu Guo has followed Su Zhaoxue for a long time, so he naturally knows what her every move means.

"Well, it seems a bit." Hu Xianya also nodded in agreement.

"Sister Xue was not like this before. Sometimes when filming, there are quite a lot of onlookers. No matter what kind of embarrassing scenes, I have never seen her like this. Could it be because I haven't come out for a long time, and then I feel a little uncomfortable. Are you used to it?" Yu Guo was a little puzzled.

I didn't want Hu Xianya to laugh suddenly, and then said: "Miss Sister is so nervous because she cares too much."

"Care?" Yu Guo didn't quite understand.

Hu Xianya still smiled: "Think about it, what day is it today, is it the anniversary of the Gu family, or the [-]th anniversary, Qin Zexi's first such important event after taking over the Gu family, she is now the Gu family She came to participate as the hostess and Qin Zexi's wife. Her every move is closely related to Qin Zexi. She wants to behave better, for fear that Qin Zexi will be laughed at by everyone because of herself. You said Can she not be nervous?"

"It turned out to be like this." Yu Guo nodded and finally understood.

Hu Xianya smiled, but didn't say anything else, looked down at the time, and then got up: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first, and when Miss Sister comes, help me to talk to her."

Luo Na was taking care of Han Jianfeng alone in the hospital, Hu Xianya was definitely worried, but she was afraid that Yi Fei would run off to make trouble, that woman was like a shrew, with Luo Na's gentle personality, naturally she couldn't handle it.

After Hu Xianya finished speaking, she left the rest area, and then planned to leave the hall, but she didn't want to wait for her to reach the entrance of the hall, and suddenly saw a figure.

Hu Qianya subconsciously stopped, and looked at the menacing figure in disbelief: "What's the situation, why did Qin Zexi let Song Yiran in? Isn't this looking for trouble?"

The footsteps that were going to walk towards the entrance suddenly turned a corner, followed Song Yiran, and walked towards the crowd.

On the stage, Qin Zexi was holding a microphone and was about to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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