After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 849 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 849 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Suddenly there was a commotion downstairs, and then Song Yiran suddenly rushed onto the stage, followed by several staff members.

The staff had no choice but to say to Qin Zexi helplessly: "Boss Qin, we can't even hold back, we don't know how we got in."

"It's okay, you guys go down first." Qin Zexi frowned, looking at Song Yiran who was all dressed up, he knew that she had come prepared, so he asked the staff to go down first.

"Qin Zexi, what do you mean, you won't invite me for the company's anniversary?"

Song Yiran looked around the venue disdainfully, but suddenly snatched the microphone from Qin Zexi's hand: "At any rate, I'm also the only young lady of the Gu family. Is it reasonable not to invite me for the anniversary of the Gu family?"

Song Yiran deliberately bit the unique young lady of the Gu family very hard, and intentionally emphasized the identity issue between her and Qin Zexi, so that everyone present could hear it clearly.

Sure enough, there was a whispering sound from below.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't see Song Yiran's "I'm cheap but I'm justified" look, not to mention that she was still finding fault with Qin Zexi, which made her uncomfortable, and she couldn't care less about being nervous. She just wanted to protect Qin Zexi. He was about to go at Song Yiran, but he didn't want Qin Zexi to suddenly protect her behind him.

Before Su Zhaoxue could react, she heard Qin Zexi's indifferent voice: "Song Yiran, since you are here to attend the anniversary celebration, please go down first, no matter what your identity is, being a well-educated person is still a good idea." Do you need me to teach you?"

"Qin Zexi, don't give me such a trick." Song Yiran, who was scolded in the dark for being uneducated, stared angrily: "I tell you, I still put my words here today, and the person who wants to go down is You, so now you should get the hell out of here."

"Miss Song, Miss Song, today is the company's anniversary. This is a matter of Gu's face. If you make such a fuss, even if Mr. Gu is present, he will definitely be unhappy. It is my dereliction of duty not to invite you. It's not our President Qin's problem, so if you have any dissatisfaction, you can go down and tell me directly, okay?"

Zhong Lian saw that Qin Zexi's face was getting more and more ruthless, so he didn't care too much. He ran to the stage directly, and the purpose was to persuade Song Yiran to go down first. No matter what, the anniversary celebration still had to Business as usual.

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran didn't buy Zhong Lian's account at all, but suddenly sneered at him: "What are you, I'm talking to your President Qin, why did you come up and interrupt?"

Zhong Lian didn't expect Song Yiran to be so mean, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't even smile.

Qin Zexi's eyes darkened, and then he said to Zhong Lian: "You go down first."

Then he glanced at Song Yiran: "Tell me, the purpose of your coming."

His tone was so flat that no one could hear any emotion from him.

Qin Zexi had already expected that Song Yiran would definitely come today.

On such a big occasion as the anniversary, if she doesn't want to make trouble, it really doesn't fit her character.

Listening to Qin Zexi's unsalty words, Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised, but soon laughed again.

"Qin Zexi deserves to be Qin Zexi."

(End of this chapter)

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