After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 850 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 850 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

"Actually, you already know the purpose of my coming, don't you?"

Qin Zexi was still expressionless, but he was still holding Su Zhaoxue tightly with one hand, and then said lightly, "I don't know, if I knew, would I still be able to let you in?"

"Hehe, actually I don't want to go around with you either." Song Yiran smiled indifferently, and suddenly turned to face the bottom of the stage.

"Today is the Gu family's anniversary. It was originally a happy day, but some people want to occupy the magpie's nest. As the only eldest lady of the Gu family, I naturally want to speak out."

"The people present here are all Gu's employees, as well as Gu's long-term partners. Today, I want you to be here as a witness to me, so that the person who has occupied the magpie's nest will leave Gu's completely. "

When Song Yiran was speaking, his voice suddenly amplified, and he stretched out his hand to point at Qin Zexi.

"I believe everyone knows that Mr. Gu is seriously ill, so Qin Zexi took advantage of Mr. Gu's serious illness, so he wanted to occupy Gu's by himself."

"In fact, I didn't care at all. Who is the executive president of the Gu family? After all, Qin Zexi is also the grandson that the old man has called for so many years, but what I didn't expect is that Qin Zexi still wants to occupy the Gu family."

Song Yiran's words caused a burst of discussion among the audience, and the voice of discussion was getting louder and louder.

At this time, I don't know who it is, and suddenly there is a sentence from the bottom: "What are you talking about? Miss Song, you are the eldest lady of the Gu family. We all know that Mr. Gu is seriously ill. We really We all know, but what does this have to do with Mr. Qin being the executive president of the Gu family? Besides, the position of the executive president of the Gu family was appointed by Mr. Gu himself."

That voice obviously wanted to fight for Qin Zexi's injustice. As soon as the voice fell, someone echoed: "Yes, yes, things are like this, and after Mr. Qin became the executive president of the Gu family, Gu I don’t know how many times your performance has doubled.”

There were constant discussions below, most of them were on Qin Zexi's side, and they all said good things for Qin Zexi.

Song still listened to those words, but smiled with disdain: "Qin Zexi, it seems that you are very popular, but I just don't know if those who speak for you are sincere or fake."

After Song Yiran finished speaking, he brought the microphone to his mouth again: "Do you know that Qin Zexi is not from the Gu family at all, and he has no blood relationship with Mr. Gu."

As soon as Song Yiran's words came out, the audience fell silent for three seconds!
"Miss Song, you have to talk about evidence. If you slander Mr. Qin on such an occasion, you should know the consequences." Another person began to answer the conversation.

But this time, not many people agreed!

Song Yiran still smiled disdainfully: "If I didn't have evidence, I wouldn't be standing here."

After speaking, he looked sideways at the staff next to him, and then handed over something: "Whoever you are, put this for me."

A staff member looked at Qin Zexi, not daring to accept it, but seeing that he didn't say anything or express anything, Zhong Lian understood what he meant, went up to take what Song Yiran handed over, and gave it to him. The person in charge on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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